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What is the best advice for community college students to succeed after transferring to a 4-year university? #Spring23

As an incoming sophomore transfer student, I'm curious how I can carry over the successful academic and social strategies I've developed into my 4-year university experience. I'm also looking for the best opportunities to grow and expand these strengths.

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Megan’s Answer

Hi Matthew!

I did community college before transferring to university and I found the best thing for me was to get involved on campus. I got a job on campus, joined some clubs, did intramural sports, went to fitness classes, and used all my resources on campus. I went to tutoring, the writing center, and career services and met with an academic advisor every year to make sure I was on track.

I studied abroad, did the Disney College Program internship, and did alternative breaks. I made the most of my college experience which in turn resulted in me performing well in school.

My best advice is to get involved and use your college resources.

Hope that helps!
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Sonia’s Answer

Hi Matthew!

That's a great question. As someone like myself, I have also attended community college and then transferred over to a four year university, I can strongly encourage you do just get involved as much as you can in anything that you may find interest on. Since you had not been there for the first two years, I think it would be crucial for you to get your name out there whether it's in sports , clubs, or extracurriculars. I would also encourage you that if you have a specific major in mind when going into the four year university, to look for options related to your field. I am sure there has to be one for your liking.

I believe getting involved and being proactive about your relationships in college definitely helps you in the real world as it demonstrates willingness to work with others and openness to many things. These are important skills for the real world and what better way to get started than college or university?

I hope this helps (: