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What are some useful tips to adopt to the new hybrid programs a lot of schools now put in place? I prefer in-class schooling and had my struggles with online classes in the past.

incoming college junior #JULY20

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Yasemin’s Answer

Hi Adrian! I took a couple hybrid classes in college and am now in still some right now- along with most of the world as colleges/universities shift to online learning. Although you are in a different country I think the fundamentals are similar if not same; I would definitely carry a planner with you at all times and make sure to write down what you need to complete and what's coming up for assignments/exams. Since most of the work can be online it's important to stay organized and a planner will help in that. Also make sure to read and watch the lectures that professors post because I think that will strengthen your understanding of the class topics overall. I love to read and I think it's always helped me especially in my difficult science courses. Being at home or in your dorm and not physically going to class can be a distraction, so it's important to set time to study everyday. It may feel like you have time because classes are online but deadlines can come quicker than thought, so be sure to study everyday and make sure you complete assignments. This will allow you to have time to study for exams and not cram everything and this spacing will also help you in being successful and getting a good grade! Trying finding a classmate to study together as well, sometimes studying with someone and voicing your concerns over the same class can make you feel more comfortable in that class and won't make you feel alone. I would advise to do a video chat and study with that person and go over topics, helping another student will also help you in learning the topics better. Last don't stress, although these times are difficult find things you still love to do and set some time a day to do them. This will help you be more relaxed and not burn out with too much studying!

Best of luck!
Thank you comment icon Thanks thats extremly helpful Adrian
Thank you comment icon You're welcome! Yasemin G.
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Jessica’s Answer

Build in time to do some "normal" things and try to take breaks from your computer. Create a schedule that works for you and stick to it - just like you would if you were on campus. If you have a schedule you follow, it will feel more normal. Also try to get out of the house for some fresh air every day!