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Why is it hard to be pantual ?

What can i do to be discipline in my career

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9 answers

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Paul’s Answer

I agree with the other comments and narrations.

Definitely eliminate any negative distractions and be repetitive and continuous with the positive behaviors.

Also keep in mind that it takes takes 10 weeks for a behavior to become a habit.

Basically, two months. So, definitely once you get into changing non-punctual behavior, stay with it until it is changed for good.

Anything that happens, to help us achieve goals, whether it be in sports, academics, or employment, is the result of continuous practice and repetition.
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Roxanne,

I am sure you were referring to punctuality, but we can learn from perfection too. Punctuality is far easier attained than perfection. Perfection is largely unattainable in practice.

Challenges of Being a Perfectionist

Being a perfectionist can be both a blessing and a curse. While it may drive you to achieve great results and excel in your career, it can also lead to increased stress, anxiety, and difficulty in maintaining a healthy work-life balance. To be more disciplined in your career, it is essential to understand the challenges that come with being a perfectionist and find ways to overcome them.

Perfectionism often leads to procrastination, as individuals may feel overwhelmed by the high standards they set for themselves. This can result in missed deadlines and a negative impact on one’s career. To overcome this challenge, it is essential to break tasks down into smaller, more manageable steps and prioritize them according to their importance. This can help to create a sense of accomplishment and reduce the anxiety that comes with attempting to achieve perfection.

Don't forget to read my autobiography, paying attention to the foods that provide all the essential nutrients for effective studying. Being punctual for these food nutrients in queue is minimal self-service, not selfishness!

You might discover that you can accomplish twice as much academic work in half the time. Your performance in exams and assignments could also improve, especially if your diet has significantly improved. Replenishing missing nutrients can do wonders.

Another challenge faced by perfectionists is the fear of failure. This can lead to a reluctance to take risks and try new things, which is essential for growth and development in any career. To overcome this fear, it is important to recognize that failure is a natural part of the learning process and that it can be an opportunity for growth and improvement. Embracing a growth mindset and focusing on learning from mistakes can help to reduce the fear of failure and encourage personal development.

Perfectionism can also lead to burnout, as individuals may struggle to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Instead aim for approximation. It is important to set boundaries and establish a routine that includes time for relaxation and self-care. This can help to reduce stress levels and prevent burnout, allowing individuals to maintain focus and discipline in their careers.

Strategies for Discipline in Your Career

To become more disciplined in your career, it is essential to develop a set of strategies that can help you stay focused, organized, and committed to your goals. Some effective strategies for discipline in your career include:

Set clear goals: Establishing specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals can help you stay focused and motivated in your career. These goals should be aligned with your values and long-term objectives, and regularly reviewing and updating them can help to maintain discipline and motivation.

Prioritize tasks: By prioritizing tasks based on their importance and deadlines, you can ensure that you are focusing on the most critical aspects of your work. This can help to reduce stress and increase productivity, allowing you to maintain discipline in your career.

Develop a routine: Establishing a daily routine can help to create structure and discipline in your work and personal life. This can include setting specific times for work, exercise, relaxation, and other activities, as well as creating a regular sleep schedule to ensure adequate rest and recovery.

Break tasks into smaller steps: Breaking down large tasks into smaller, more manageable steps can help to reduce feelings of overwhelm and increase discipline in your career. This can also help to create a sense of accomplishment as you complete each step, further motivating you to continue working towards your goals.

Seek support and accountability: Connecting with mentors, colleagues, or friends who share your career goals can provide valuable support, advice, and accountability. Sharing your goals and progress with others can help to maintain discipline and motivation, as well as offering opportunities for collaboration and learning.

Practice self-compassion: Recognize that it is normal to experience setbacks and failures in your career journey. Embrace these experiences as opportunities for growth and improvement, and practice self-compassion by treating yourself with kindness and understanding.

Authoritative Reference Titles

The Perfectionism Paradox: How Good Does Good Enough Need to Be? - This article from the American Psychological Association discusses the challenges and benefits of perfectionism and provides strategies for overcoming its negative effects.

Perfectionism: The Costs and Benefits - This article from Verywell Mind explores the different aspects of perfectionism and offers tips for managing it healthily.

Managing Perfectionism in the Workplace - This guide from the American Psychological Association provides advice on how to manage perfectionism in the workplace and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Strive for timeliness via appropriate punctuality. Leave the perfect to God!


James Constantine Frangos.
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Rian’s Answer

Hi Roxanne,
I would recommend trying out differnet options to see what works best for you! For some people that's an online calendar, for others it's using a paper journal. You should feel free to explore different options to see what works best!
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Jorge’s Answer

Besides the great comments and recommendations other have suggested, I want to add this book: Atomic Habits by James Clear, in this book you will learn how to do small changes that can create big impacts. Like for example, small changes in your habits that can help you become punctual
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Mahi’s Answer

Becoming more punctual involves developing good habits and time management skills. Here are some tips to help you improve your punctuality:

Set Realistic Goals: Plan your day realistically, considering the time required for each task. Avoid overcommitting, and be honest with yourself about how long things take.

Prioritize Tasks: Identify and prioritize tasks based on their importance and deadlines. Focus on completing high-priority tasks first.

Use a Calendar or Planner: Keep track of your appointments, deadlines, and commitments using a calendar or planner. This helps you visualize your schedule and plan accordingly.

Break Down Tasks: If a task seems overwhelming, break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. This can make it easier to allocate time and stay on schedule.

Set Alarms and Reminders: Use alarms and reminders on your phone or other devices to prompt you when it's time to start or finish a task. This can help you stay on track throughout the day.

Account for Buffer Time: Factor in extra time for unexpected delays or interruptions. This buffer time can prevent you from feeling rushed and help you handle unexpected issues.

Prepare in Advance: Prepare for the next day by organizing your belongings, setting out what you'll need, and having a clear plan of action. This can save time in the morning and reduce stress.

Learn to Say No: Avoid overcommitting yourself by learning to say no when necessary. This allows you to focus on your existing commitments and fulfill them punctually.

Evaluate Your Habits: Take a critical look at your habits and identify any recurring patterns that contribute to lateness. Addressing these habits can lead to more punctual behavior.

Reward Yourself: Establish a reward system for being punctual. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, to reinforce positive behavior.

Remember that developing punctuality is a gradual process, and consistency is key. Start with a few changes, and over time, you'll likely see improvements in your time management skills.
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Roxanne,

Understanding the Challenge of Punctuality

Punctuality is a crucial aspect of personal and professional life, yet many individuals struggle with being punctual. There are several reasons why it can be challenging to be punctual, and understanding these reasons can help in developing strategies to improve punctuality.

Reasons for Difficulty in Being Punctual

Time Management: One of the primary reasons for difficulty in being punctual is poor time management. Individuals may underestimate the time required for various tasks or fail to prioritize effectively, leading to delays in their schedule.

Procrastination: Procrastination can significantly impact punctuality. When individuals procrastinate, they often end up rushing to complete tasks at the last minute, causing them to be late for appointments or deadlines.

Distractions: In today’s digital age, distractions are abundant. Whether it’s constant notifications on smartphones or interruptions from colleagues, these distractions can derail one’s efforts to be on time.

Lack of Planning: Failure to plan ahead can lead to tardiness. Without a clear plan or schedule, individuals may find themselves scrambling to meet commitments.

Underestimating Travel Time: Underestimating the time required for commuting or traveling to a particular location is a common reason for being late. Traffic congestion and unexpected delays can further exacerbate this issue.

Perception of Time: Some individuals have a relaxed perception of time, which means they may not feel the urgency of being punctual as strongly as others do.

Fear of Commitment: In some cases, individuals may subconsciously fear commitment or feel anxious about arriving early, leading them to delay their departure intentionally.

Strategies for Improving Punctuality

Set Realistic Goals: It’s essential to set realistic goals and allocate appropriate time for each task or activity. This involves accurately estimating the time required for different activities and allowing extra buffer time for unforeseen circumstances.

Prioritize Tasks: Prioritizing tasks based on their importance and deadlines can help individuals focus on what needs to be done first, reducing the likelihood of running late due to unfinished tasks.

Minimize Distractions: Minimizing distractions, such as silencing notifications during work hours or finding a quiet workspace, can enhance focus and productivity, ultimately aiding in punctuality.

Use Time Management Tools: Utilizing tools like calendars, planners, or time management apps can assist in organizing schedules and staying on track with appointments and deadlines.

Plan Ahead: Planning ahead involves creating a daily or weekly schedule that outlines tasks and commitments, including sufficient time for preparation and travel.

Account for Travel Time: It’s crucial to account for travel time when scheduling appointments or events, considering potential traffic or transportation delays.

Develop a Positive Perception of Time: Changing one’s perception of time by understanding the value of punctuality and its impact on personal and professional reputation can motivate individuals to prioritize timeliness.

Overcome Fear of Commitment: Addressing any underlying anxieties related to commitment and early arrival through self-reflection or seeking support from mentors or counselors can help in overcoming this barrier to punctuality.

Cultivating Discipline in Career and College

Discipline is fundamental for success in both career and college endeavors. It encompasses various aspects such as time management, self-control, perseverance, and dedication.

Importance of Discipline

Discipline plays a pivotal role in achieving long-term goals and maintaining consistency in performance. In career and college settings, discipline contributes to:

Consistent Performance: Discipline ensures that individuals consistently meet expectations and deliver high-quality work, fostering trust and reliability among peers and superiors.

Time Management: A disciplined approach aids in effective time management, allowing individuals to prioritize tasks efficiently and meet deadlines consistently.

Professionalism: Demonstrating discipline reflects professionalism and dedication, which are highly valued attributes in both career and college environments.

Personal Development: Discipline fosters personal development by instilling habits of perseverance, self-control, and continuous learning – qualities that are essential for growth in professional and academic pursuits.

Strategies for Cultivating Discipline

Set Clear Goals: Establishing clear short-term and long-term goals provides direction and motivation for maintaining discipline in career and college endeavors.

Create Structured Routines: Developing structured daily routines helps in establishing consistent habits that support discipline, including dedicated study or work hours.

Practice Self-Control: Building self-control through techniques such as mindfulness meditation or cognitive behavioral strategies enhances discipline by managing impulses and distractions effectively.

Seek Accountability Partners: Engaging with accountability partners – whether colleagues, mentors, or study groups – fosters mutual support in maintaining discipline through shared goals and encouragement.

Continuous Learning: Embracing a mindset of continuous learning encourages discipline by valuing knowledge acquisition and skill development as ongoing pursuits essential for career advancement and academic excellence.

Emphasize Resilience: Cultivating resilience is integral to discipline; it enables individuals to persevere through challenges without losing focus on their objectives.

Reflect on Progress Regularly: Regular self-assessment allows individuals to reflect on their adherence to disciplined practices, identify areas for improvement, and celebrate milestones achieved through disciplined efforts.


Being punctual requires conscious effort in managing time effectively while overcoming various challenges such as procrastination, distractions, and inadequate planning. Cultivating discipline is essential for success in career and college settings as it fosters consistent performance, professionalism, effective time management, and personal development through habits of perseverance and self-control.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used:

Harvard Business Review
Psychology Today

The information provided has been sourced from these authoritative publications known for their expertise in addressing topics related to punctuality, discipline in career settings, psychology behind procrastination, effective time management strategies, professional development insights, and academic success principles.

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Patrick’s Answer

Roxanne thank you for reaching out and asking your questions regarding what I believe you meant as relating to punctuality and cultivating discipline in your career. Understanding the challenges of punctuality and cultivating discipline in your career are essential aspects of personal and professional growth. Let's explore why being punctual can be challenging and how you can instill discipline in your career.

Punctuality Challenges

• Juggling multiple responsibilities and tasks can make it hard to gauge the time each requires. Mastering time management is key to surmounting this hurdle.
• Struggling to prioritize tasks can result in delays. Pinpointing and concentrating on high-priority tasks can enhance your punctuality.
• Unexpected situations, like traffic, weather, or unforeseen events, can hinder your punctuality. Anticipating these factors can help lessen their impact.

Strategies for Fostering Discipline in Your Career

• Outline your immediate and long-range career objectives. This clarity will act as a compass, steering your actions and choices.
• Formulate a daily or weekly timetable that reserves time for work, self-improvement, and leisure. Adhere to this timetable as much as possible.
• Spot the most crucial tasks and address them first. Prioritization ensures that you handle important duties promptly.
• Forming routines and habits can aid in building discipline. This includes maintaining regular wake-up times, meal plans, and work routines.
• Designate specific time slots for different tasks. This method aids in maintaining focus on a single task at a time, boosting productivity.
• Disclose your objectives and plans to a reliable friend, mentor, or coworker who can offer support and hold you accountable.
• Keep abreast of industry trends and dedicate time to ongoing learning. This forward-thinking approach keeps your skills honed and portrays you as a disciplined professional.
• Periodically evaluate your progress and tweak your strategies as required. Flexibility and adaptability are vital elements of a disciplined mindset.

Roxanne, it's important to remember that by tackling punctuality challenges and nurturing discipline, you're setting yourself up for success in your educational and professional pursuits. Bear in mind that discipline is a habit that matures over time, and steady effort will lead to positive outcomes.
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Roxanne,

Challenges of Being a Perfectionist

Being a perfectionist can be both a blessing and a curse. While it may drive you to achieve great results and excel in your career, it can also lead to increased stress, anxiety, and difficulty in maintaining a healthy work-life balance. In order to be more disciplined in your career, it is essential to understand the challenges that come with being a perfectionist and find ways to overcome them.

Perfectionism often leads to procrastination, as individuals may feel overwhelmed by the high standards they set for themselves. This can result in missed deadlines and a negative impact on one’s career. To overcome this challenge, it is essential to break tasks down into smaller, more manageable steps and prioritize them according to their importance. This can help to create a sense of accomplishment and reduce the anxiety that comes with attempting to achieve perfection.

Don't forget to read my autobiography, paying attention to the foods that provide all the essential nutrients for effective studying. You might discover that you can accomplish twice as much academic work in half the time. Your performance in exams and assignments could also improve, especially if your diet has significantly improved. Replenishing missing nutrients can do wonders.


James Constantine Frangos.

Another challenge faced by perfectionists is the fear of failure. This can lead to a reluctance to take risks and try new things, which is essential for growth and development in any career. To overcome this fear, it is important to recognize that failure is a natural part of the learning process and that it can be an opportunity for growth and improvement. Embracing a growth mindset and focusing on learning from mistakes can help to reduce the fear of failure and encourage personal development.

Perfectionism can also lead to burnout, as individuals may struggle to maintain a healthy work-life balance. It is important to set boundaries and establish a routine that includes time for relaxation and self-care. This can help to reduce stress levels and prevent burnout, allowing individuals to maintain focus and discipline in their careers.

Strategies for Discipline in Your Career

To become more disciplined in your career, it is essential to develop a set of strategies that can help you stay focused, organized, and committed to your goals. Some effective strategies for discipline in your career include:

Set clear goals: Establishing specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals can help you stay focused and motivated in your career. These goals should be aligned with your values and long-term objectives, and regularly reviewing and updating them can help to maintain discipline and motivation.

Prioritize tasks: By prioritizing tasks based on their importance and deadlines, you can ensure that you are focusing on the most critical aspects of your work. This can help to reduce stress and increase productivity, allowing you to maintain discipline in your career.

Develop a routine: Establishing a daily routine can help to create structure and discipline in your work and personal life. This can include setting specific times for work, exercise, relaxation, and other activities, as well as creating a regular sleep schedule to ensure adequate rest and recovery.

Break tasks into smaller steps: Breaking down large tasks into smaller, more manageable steps can help to reduce feelings of overwhelm and increase discipline in your career. This can also help to create a sense of accomplishment as you complete each step, further motivating you to continue working towards your goals.

Seek support and accountability: Connecting with mentors, colleagues, or friends who share your career goals can provide valuable support, advice, and accountability. Sharing your goals and progress with others can help to maintain discipline and motivation, as well as offering opportunities for collaboration and learning.

Practice self-compassion: Recognize that it is normal to experience setbacks and failures in your career journey. Embrace these experiences as opportunities for growth and improvement, and practice self-compassion by treating yourself with kindness and understanding.

Authoritative Reference Titles

The Perfectionism Paradox: How Good Does Good Enough Need to Be? - This article from the American Psychological Association discusses the challenges and benefits of perfectionism and provides strategies for overcoming its negative effects.

Perfectionism: The Costs and Benefits - This article from Verywell Mind explores the different aspects of perfectionism and offers tips for managing it in a healthy way.

Managing Perfectionism in the Workplace - This guide from the American Psychological Association provides advice on how to manage perfectionism in the workplace and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
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Angela’s Answer

Hi Roxanne!

I'm sure you have lots of dreams for yourself but you just don't know where to start. Well, you can start by writing a list of all the things you want to do. Put them in order of most important to least important.

Now, from that list, figure out what goals can be done now, in a week, in a few months, or in a few years.
If you have a goal that you want to achieve that is way in the future, it can seem overwhelming to think about. But a way you can make it less stressful and easier to think about is if you break the goals into pieces. For example, let's say that in a year, you want to learn how to play the guitar. Well, you won't be able to learn in a day! It takes time and practice. So what you can do is, set a schedule for yourself of the time and day you want to practice. Let's say that you want to practice guitar for 15-20 minutes a day. That sounds like you can do it right? Well, you can do the same things with your career goals too.

If you break things up into pieces and make time everyday to do it, you'll have the goal done in no time! And even if you don't reach your goals, you are better off working on it little by little everyday instead of worrying about it and not getting anything done.

I suggest that you can get a notebook or journal where you can plan your goals and what you have to do for the day, and break them up into pieces. Eventually, you will make progress. And that will make you feel really good!

Good luck!
Thank you comment icon Hi Angela! Great suggestions on tackling goals. Do you have some advice to help Roxanne develop the habit of punctuality? Sharyn Grose, Admin