Barrington, Rhode Island

Is it worth being a doctor? I'm worried about missing my twenties
#medicine #premed

How can I be useful during this volunteering?
#social-work #graduate-school #volunteer

How can I do remote volunteering work?
Currently I am a Junior in High School and I am interested in pursuing Medicine as my career. I am a avid soccer player and captain of the VEX robotics team in my high school.
#doctorate-degree #athletics #medicine #career #hospital-and-health-care #medicine

Which type of engineering would benefit me the most: civil or mechanical engineering?
I am a junior in high school and I am looking into becoming either a mechanical or civil engineer. However, I don’t know which one would fit me the best as a person and which one would benefit me the most. #mechanical-engineering #engineering #civil-engineering

When did you realize that you wanted to become an engineer, and how did you strive to become one?
I am a junior in high school and I am passionate about engineering. I want to know what professionals did in order to become one! #engineering #civil-engineering #mechanical-engineering #career

What are the requirements for a career in engineering?
I have been passionate in engineering, but I am looking for help because I am not sure what I should be looking to do in high school or college. #engineering #college #highschool
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