Clifton, Virginia

How can i use college flight time to get a career.
I would like to go to a flying school in Arizona and im wondering how i could get a job out of college. #pilot #airline-pilot #career-details #job-application

how many years do you have t go to college to be vet?
i want to be a veterinarian and it is for a class assignment #vetrinarian

What college course and majors should you take to help in becoming a veterinarian?
I want to know what college courses, possible majors, degrees, etc. I would need to become a veterinarian.
Thanks! #veterinarian #animals #career-details

Would you need any schooling to become a successful jewelry designer?
i love creating jewelry! #fashion #jewelry #career-details

How would you become an editorial assistant?
I love English and writing! #english-grammar

How long does an Interior Designer go to school?
I might consider being a interior designer, but I am not sure if I want to. #interior-designer

How much money does an interior designer make yearly?
I might want to be a ID, but I am not sure if I want to spend a lot of time in college for a low paying job. #interior-design
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