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Sam’s Avatar
Sam Mar 14, 2016 8459 views

What is an appropriate attire for a job interview in finance for women?

I hope that some of the women working in finance can give us an idea of what the right attire might be. Thanks so much in advance. #finance #interviews #financial-services #investment-management #investing

Aljed’s Avatar
Aljed Mar 14, 2016 1438 views

How do you get clients in investing?

Whose job is it to get clients? How hard of a job is that? Also, I'm not sure if they're called clients, or what you would call them. Sorry if I'm not using the right terms for this. I just mean customers. #finance #financial-services #investment-management #investing

Earl’s Avatar
Earl Mar 13, 2016 1402 views

How long would it take for me to work my way up the ladder at a company like PIMCO?

I'm trying to create a career plan and want to know roughly how long it would take me to go from my first job at a company like PIMCO to a more senior level management role? #finance #financial-services #investment-management #investing

Matt’s Avatar
Matt Mar 10, 2016 1547 views

Do you work against strict deadlines in investment managment? How do you handle that kind of stress?

I work well when I don't have a strict deadline. I get way too anxious when I have to have something done by a specific time so I'm afraid I'm not cut out for a career in investment management. Can you share how often you are working on a deadline and how important those deadlines are in your...

Allen’s Avatar
Allen Mar 10, 2016 1146 views

If there was one book that you could identify as a game changer for you in deciding to get invovled in investment and finance, what would that book be?

I'm very interested in pursuing a career in finance, and I want to start by learning from the best investment and finance minds there are. Why do you recommend this book and how did it help you in making your career choice? #finance #financial-services #investment-management #investing

Jesse’s Avatar
Jesse Mar 10, 2016 2009 views

How do I even create assets when I have debt from my college loans?

I feel like I should be paying off my college loans before I even begin to think about investing in things like bonds, stocks, etc. Should I think about managing my finances like this or is there a better way? #finance #financial-services #investment-management #investing

Sami’s Avatar
Sami Mar 09, 2016 1200 views

Would University of California, Berkeley accept me If I kept these grades up? ENG - 102 Trig - 98.37 Science - 96.32 Global History - 95.5

I'm a Sophomore and I really really want to get into Berkeley. What things would I need to do, other than have good grades, in order to have a higher chance for getting into Berkeley ? #college #university #berkeley #acceptance

Mcvoltrudge’s Avatar
Mcvoltrudge Mar 04, 2016 1374 views

What does it take to become a math teacher?

My name is Mac, and I am a high school senior who loves mathematics. I was the pi champion last year because I recited about 200 digits of pi with memory. I took an engineering class at Baruch College, and we had to build a bridge in a triangular structure. I had to use math in order to convey...

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