Daytona Beach, Florida

Are there any opportunities you wish you took but never did?
I am having a dilemma about whether or not to pursue music. I LOVE making music but I also am.. nervous.. about pursuing solely music. I have a great opportunity to do so, and I don't want to regret not taking it. #music #musician #music-industry #regrets #opportunities

FSU vs. UF music programs, both for soloistic and ensemble perspectives
I have been accepted to FSU for woodwind (flute performance), and am looking at UF for the music w an outside field degree. Which music program is better? #music #flute #FSU #UF

What will be the new technology in the near future?
Will the new technology changes the world? #tech

What's wrong with public wifi?
I want to know why public wifi doesn't work. #tech

What are some life-changing, view-altering, mind-stretching books?
#reading #books #interesting #unique #literature #point-of-view

Do you believe in determining your fate through education or do you believe in more of a"whatever happens, happens" approach when it comes to schools and careers?
Sometimes I think that no matter where I end up or what I do, I will find a way to enjoy it. I was wondering if anyone shares this view or opposes it. #career #fate #college #jobs #life #destiny

I want to double major with music performance and international studies. I know this kind of double major is done often, but is it difficult to balance so many classes, especially with the strict schedule of music?
#music #musician #major #music-performance #double-major #internatioal-affairs
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