East Brunswick, New Jersey

How can you combine clinical psychology with women's studies?
Hi my name is Bryanna and I am a senior in High School. Every since I was younger I have always been called the "mother" of my groups of friends because I take care of everyone and make sure they are all happy and feeling good. Little did I know I actually enjoyed the feeling of knowing that I...

Can I be a pilot and still have the time to create my own business?
Hi, My name is Nathaniel and all my life I wanted to become a commercial pilot. As I got older I became more interested for owning my own business. Specifically having a more modern bus transportation system in Barbados. Will I be able to accomplish this goal while being a pilot or not and If i...

What are the requirements for completing a nursing major?
When I go to college I want to major in nursing. So when I start going to college I want to know what classes I would have to take. #nursing #medicine #pre-med

Is stock market investing a good career path?
I have a passion for cooking but if finding a career in culinary is not working out I would like to make a living Investing in stocks. If this is a good career path what college classes, major, and internships should I be taking as a incoming freshman in college the fall of 2016 to be...

What is like to be a teacher ? Would becoming a Math teacher be a good choice for me?
I am asking this because I want to become A math teacher for a little bit to see how it is teaching students what you know from your knowledge. I also would like to know more new skills about math and see more of the challenging problem solving throughout my college year.

If I want to officially work as a certified nurse, should I go into a 2-year or 4-year program?
Since the Beginning of the year, I have been receiving college acceptances. I got one from Alfred State that says I was conditionally accepted into their 2-year nursing program. But my godmother and other nurses that I have asked says that I should go for the 4-year program because it comes...

Does taking the multi state bar exam give you more options?
When I was looking up bar exams I found that they had multi state exam and from what I know is that when you take the test is that you are not pressured to work in a specific state. And I was just wondering if it is better to take a bar exam for a specific state or is it better to take the...

What is the best path to take after college ie, take a break, continue to go to school, get a job? I am wondering because I don't want to go to college if I don't use all of my skills I learned in college.
I am wondering because I don't want to go to college if I don't use all of my skills. I want to be able to have time to myself, yet be productive. #hobbies
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