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Mike’s Avatar
Mike Jun 01, 2017 2543 views

How should I figure out my major?

I've never known what I wanted to do or pursue career wise. I took psychology and sociology in my first year and a half at college, and I liked them, but I don't know what exactly I want to major in. I wouldn't mind studying more into sociology but I also want a career with a pretty decent...

Theresa’s Avatar
Theresa May 17, 2017 959 views

How to comopose/write music without going ti school

I want to learn more music however I dont have the money or grades to go to school for it. So What are some tips on self teaching music composers/writers? Like apps, computer programs,books or places to learn for free? #music #art

Theresa’s Avatar
Theresa May 17, 2017 919 views

How to study abroad after graduating

Is there a way for some one who has already graduated to study abroad? What about internships (domestic or abroad ) can some who already graduated find these? I was I a school where high schoolers graduated with a associates of art before graduating high school. I'm looking to go abroad next...

Theresa’s Avatar
Theresa May 17, 2017 6800 views

How to become a make up artist over seas(korea)

What are the best schools to go to in Korea in that field or fields related to it? What are places I could look for jobs? #art #makeup #study #abroad #korea #career-details

Theresa’s Avatar
Theresa May 17, 2017 2292 views

How to get a non teaching job in korea or japan

I would love to study and work at one of these countys however I don't fit the requirements for teaching abroad nor do I want to teach . are there any alternative jobs? #art #japan #korea #aboard #career-details #job-application

Victor’s Avatar
Victor Apr 05, 2017 1875 views

What steps do I need to take to get my life together? (Please see the context)

I am turning 30 this year and life has not been exactly how I want it to be. I have a bachelors degree of applied science in Electronics Engineering from DeVry University but I graduated in 2009 I haven't had any type of tech Jobs. except one. and i feel that that job wasn't very technical...

eboni’s Avatar
eboni Mar 22, 2017 848 views

what are some good colleges for a pediatrician/ nurse?

Because I want to get a head start on looking for colleges. #pediatric-nursing

Franchesca’s Avatar
Franchesca Mar 22, 2017 876 views

How do I know how many years of college I would need to become a nurse?

I am a high school sophomore student and i am wanting to become a nurse but dont really know what I need to do to get there. #nursing #nurse #registered-nurses #nurse-practitioner #physical-therapy #nursing-education #occupational-health #pediatric-nurse

daniel’s Avatar
daniel Mar 22, 2017 1113 views

Whats a good university to go to major in modeling?

I want to be a model #fashion #fashion-design #modeling

Mara’s Avatar
Mara Mar 22, 2017 2340 views

If I choose to be a photographer and later on decide I don't want to do that anymore, what other careers can I pursue that relate to being a photographer?

I don't know exactly what career I want, so I want to know all the careers that relate to photographing. #photography #digital-media

Genesis’s Avatar
Genesis Mar 22, 2017 1394 views

How much does the Veterinary career cost?

I want to know how much it would cost like in college tuition and everything. #veterinary #vet

alexandra’s Avatar
alexandra Mar 22, 2017 951 views

what are the requirements to become a pediatrican

i am a high school student who is getting ready to go to college and i want to make sure that i pick the correct career #science #music #health #art #math #english #history

kaela’s Avatar
kaela Mar 22, 2017 14849 views

what are some difficulties working with children

is there anything i need to know about the difficulties working with kids #teaching #child-care

maria’s Avatar
maria Mar 22, 2017 1131 views

Are there different requirements to be a pediatric nurse instead of a general nurse?

Im interested in being a nurse yet i really would love to be a pediatric nurse and i just want to know if there are other requirement or classes ill need to take. #doctor #medicine #nursing #nurse #pediatrics #surgery #pediatric-nursing #hospital-and-health-care

Estefania’s Avatar
Estefania Mar 22, 2017 1900 views

is there a way to get a bachelor/master at the same time?

I want to study psychology but it takes a long time to get a ph.D #psychology #graduate-school #college-admissions #scholarships #clinical-psychology #school-counseling

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