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Amina’s Avatar
Amina Jun 30, 2016 4806 views

DIfference between BA and BS degrees?

I am an astronomy/physics major and am currently pursuing a BS degree. I would like to ultimately work in a scientific discipline and/or for the government, and was wondering if a BS degree makes a big difference from a BA? What kind of job would a BA physics degree candidate be able to have?...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 29, 2016 1113 views

How can I get better grades?

The question was worded very differently from what I am trying to ask.To clarify, even though I had tried very hard to get a good overall GPA for my second semester in college, I still seemed to get lower than a 3.0 GPA. So, I believe that even when I tried my best I still didn't get the grades...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 29, 2016 1161 views

Are extroverted people the most successful?

Throughout high school, I noticed that most teachers prefer a student that is loud and opinionated. Me on the other hand, would be loud when it came to talking with my friends and family. Are the students that speak up and talk the people who in the future become the most successful? #school...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 27, 2016 1316 views

What is the minimum salary you have to get in order to provide for yourself? for a family?

I think that many of us take our homes as guaranteed, especially if our family still supports us. We don't realize how much money they use to support us. So, what is the salary we have to earn in order to live by ourselves? What is the salary we have to earn in order to sustain a family or 2?...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 27, 2016 1251 views

How do I become the best version of myself?

This isn't really a career question, but I believe it's relevant in all the perspectives of our lives. How can I better myself with family, school, friends? How long will it take to reach my full potential?

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 27, 2016 889 views

How can I get work my way up to my career?

As a college student, I'm worried about the future like many others. As a communications major, how can I get intermediate level jobs when I only work minimum pay jobs at the present moment? #career #job

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 27, 2016 1194 views

What jobs can I get in the communications field?

The subject of communications is a pretty general. What type of jobs can I get in the communications field and how can I get good jobs in that field? What do people who have communication major degrees do? #jobs #major #communications

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 25, 2016 918 views

What is the difference between doing something you love, and doing something for the money?

A big part of our lives is financial security, and it seems as if most people will get a job just for the money although they might not like the job. As a person who works without any love for what you do, are you satisfied with your life ? As a person who is passionate in what you do but does...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 25, 2016 1148 views

How can I give a great impression to a interviewer?

I am applying to jobs, and I (hopefully) will be getting calls back for interviews. How can I stand out, or give a great first impression to the hiring manager? As an anxious person, I tend to stutter and look around a lot. I know that this habit is bad, so what can I do to make up for...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 24, 2016 1124 views

What qualities of a person do employers look for when interviewing?

Since there are so many people who apply for jobs, what makes a person stand out? What catches your attention or makes you want them as part of your workforce? I am referring to entry-level jobs specifically, but I believe that there are qualities of a person that can get them hired at all...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 24, 2016 1111 views

How do I know If I'm on the right career path?

I have an interest in a few things; fashion, advertising, and other miscellaneous subjects. I have figured out what I want to do in the future (fashion merchandiser) but the problem is that I always have this little doubt in the back of my mind. This doubt pesters me and produces insecure...

Amina’s Avatar
Amina Jun 24, 2016 1601 views

How do people ensure themselves a financially stable future? How can I as well?

For example, I was always confused how people automatically move out of their parents' house and start supporting themselves right after receiving a job. When someone starts working, I always feel that it may be too early to start finding a home since a person wouldn't have too much money to...

Amina’s Avatar
Amina Jun 24, 2016 1026 views

Would like to be self-employed but want to know how this process works?

I was wondering if anyone here can explain the process of self-employment. How does this work and as a college student, what should I be doing now to get to that level? I am an Astronomy/Physics major since these are the topics I love the most, so how can I be able to ensure I become...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 23, 2016 2476 views

How badly can your GPA affect your career goals?

Since I came to college, it was hard adjusting to a new place and having a lot of independence. During my first semester, I took a turn going the wrong direction. I would not go to class, and it hit me hard the end of the semester when I realized I had done really badly. I am trying to improve...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 23, 2016 1304 views

How can I make my resume stand out if I don't have much experience since beginning college?

I've recently started school a year ago, and sadly I haven't been as active as I could have been. Now, I am applying for jobs but I am getting no replies. I was redoing my resume and realized that most of my volunteer work come from high school and that the experience is irrelevant now....

Amina’s Avatar
Amina Jun 23, 2016 807 views

How is the working environment in academia like?

For example, becoming a professor at university or working with a research team at a lab. Scientific research is something that I am really interested in, but is it a flexible position? Can I also do something in industry as well? #academia

Amina’s Avatar
Amina Jun 14, 2016 1078 views

What would be the most efficient way to make money in a short time period?

If you are a struggling student and need some cash in your pocket, what options do I have? #student #employment

zhengyu’s Avatar
zhengyu Jun 13, 2016 1184 views

Where can I get a good chances to learn more tech about the C++ ?

I'm a college student, my major is Internet and Information Technology. Bc I want to be a gaming designer or development That's why I really want to have more experience in C++ area. But my school only have one C++ classes for my major to get the degree. there are other two C++ classes in my...

Phillip’s Avatar
Phillip Jun 12, 2016 870 views

How do colleges determine which applicants have the potential to receive financial aid?

The tuition of college keep growing higher, and there are limited opportunities for scholarships. It is really helpful to know that there is help offered to people with a low income through financial aid. However, I'm not sure what the exact criteria are, and if it varies from college to...

Tram’s Avatar
Tram Jun 10, 2016 1225 views

What are the advices you want to tell the younger you when you were in college? Study- wise, career-wise ...

I want to hear the tips from college graduated to enhance my college experiences. #college #graduated

David’s Avatar
David Jun 05, 2016 1259 views

From my research, I find that most programmers nowadays use Java, Scala, and the C language. My question is how is Scala used/what is it used for?

I'm an Information Technology major who is working towards becoming a future web/mobile developer, and want to explore lesser known, but still useful programming languages, like Scala and Perl (not stated in my question, but I'm still eager to know). #software #mobile-applications...

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Jun 02, 2016 1074 views

What are the positives about working in the business world?

This is important to ask because it can help influence others why they should join the business world. #business

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Jun 02, 2016 2286 views

Do employers look at the volunteer work people do?

Its hard for teenagers to get a job but its easier finding volunteer work #volunteering #volunteer

Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan Jun 01, 2016 1078 views

How can a college freshman prepare an interview for an internship position?

I am asking this question for a friend who recently got a position with the Parks Department in New York. He wants to know any good skills that he can keep in mind before his interview. #interviews #colleges

Kamil’s Avatar
Kamil Jun 01, 2016 1349 views

How do I find relevant work experience if no one is willing to give work experience?

I found that many jobs, even jobs that traditionally were entry level, require previous work experience. Where can one go to find experience when everyone requires experience? #volunteering #career-plan #business-networking

Priyanka’s Avatar
Priyanka May 30, 2016 1291 views

What advice do you have for students who are trying to decide on a career path?

I know a lot of students who have difficulty picking out a career path to take even after their senior year in college, and i feel that they will need some advise to answer this question. #college #career #mentors

Kyana’s Avatar
Kyana May 29, 2016 994 views

where in New York can i be an intern for the summer?

I would like to be an intern for the summer but don't know a law firm that hires a 16 year old junior. #law #communications #communication #intern #pre-law #new-york #junior

Kyana’s Avatar
Kyana May 29, 2016 841 views

How can i recieve a grant?

I want to get a grant because I know you don't have to pay them back. #graduate #financial-aid #grants

David’s Avatar
David May 28, 2016 1237 views

When offered your first job, or a full-time position, what are some important questions to contemplate over before making your acceptance?

My name is David, an Information Technology major, who is not only career-focused, but also eager to know how to make careful, personal decisions as I progress in my career. #jobs #career-choice #career-paths #first-job #career-plan

Merazul’s Avatar
Merazul May 28, 2016 1287 views

Is it worth looking into work at home jobs or not?

I have recently been browsing some jobs online as any college student would to be able to do something over the summer. However, it seems sketchy and unconventional that how are people able to work from home and make more than one can imagine. The past year I worked as delivery and it was a...

SENNAM’s Avatar
SENNAM May 28, 2016 995 views

In today's society, being a specialist or a family medicine practicioner, which is more suitable?

I am asking this question because I am planning on becoming a medical doctor but I am not sure if I want to specialize or practice family medicine. #medicine #family-medicine

SENNAM’s Avatar
SENNAM May 28, 2016 1041 views

When is it suitable to plan, implement and conduct research when entering medical school?

I am asking this question because most students planning on attending medical school find it difficult as to what is the right time to engage in a suitable research project without any form of hindrances. #medicine #pre-med

Troy’s Avatar
Troy May 27, 2016 1631 views

Should I drop a difficult class I enjoy but find challenging and might negatively affect my G.P.A?

So, when I was younger I always thought I'd like physics and took a class this semester in college. I would love to learn the material, but had to drop it after it became apparent the class would negatively affect my G.P.A. Now I'm caught in a dilemma, do I take the class again next semester...

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel May 27, 2016 2470 views

What is Mechanical Engineering in the private sector like?

What type of work is usually done by a mechanical engineer working for a company? Is it largely desk-work and modeling? Is there any product testing? How multidisciplinary is your work? Is there a problem with intellectual property between you and a company? Would you recommend staying...

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel May 27, 2016 1502 views

Will opportunities for civil engineering grow in the near future?

I'm #undecided whether to become a civil or mechanical engineer. I know that America, where I live, needs about 3.6 trillion dollars by 2020 to address infrastructure repairs and that the bureau of labor statistics estimates that civil engineers have the highest growth projection (by demand)...

Troy’s Avatar
Troy May 27, 2016 1058 views

How do I gain experience for my dream job when my rigorous major keeps taking up all my time?

My name is Troy and I am currently a freshman in College. As of now I am studying engineering because I do love it and feel working as an engineer for a few years might be a good ideal until I can get my feet of the ground with my true passion - film making. However, if possible, I would love...

Sabrina’s Avatar
Sabrina May 26, 2016 955 views

What should I pack for college dorming life?

I'm new to college and am very open to suggestions on what to pack that would be appropriate and aloud on a college campus. #college-life #packing

Sabrina’s Avatar
Sabrina May 26, 2016 820 views

Whats the best way to scheduled classes for your freshman year of college?

I'm registering for classes soon and I want to plan a scheduled that will be the least stressful for me wile I adjust to my new surroundings. #college #classes #scheduling

Sabrina’s Avatar
Sabrina May 26, 2016 798 views

Whats the most effective scheduled for a freshman in college?

I get really nervous with change and am open to any suggestions when it comes to planing my courses. #college #courses

Sabrina’s Avatar
Sabrina May 26, 2016 1243 views

What kind of things should I pack for college?

I am dorming at the college of my choice and am open to any good suggestions on whats good and not good to pack. #college #college-life

Sheyenne’s Avatar
Sheyenne May 26, 2016 1378 views

Do you have any advice on proper interviewing techniques?

What are some good questions to ask a potential employee to determine if they are a good match for the job? #business #management #manager #executive

Sheyenne’s Avatar
Sheyenne May 26, 2016 1889 views

How do you start a modern art gallery?

I am interested in owning an art gallery. What steps can I take to achieve this? #art #museum #gallery

hayley’s Avatar
hayley May 26, 2016 860 views

How exactly are scholarship monies put towards tuition and can they be limited to certain careers even it is a major or minor?

I wanted to understand that once scholarship monies are granted, the discretion of spending is now at the students disposal. However a fellow classmate was unable to scholarship money towards their major in business. How can I avoid the same problem. #major #scholarship

hayley’s Avatar
hayley May 26, 2016 1136 views

Is it possible to major in languages in which more than one language is mastered at once?

I am currently interested in majoring in languages, however through research found that most majors are limited to specifics. For example I pick up dialect, word choice, and accent quickly and have put it in practice; more than volunteer requirements but as a career. I can't seem to find a...

Alden’s Avatar
Alden May 25, 2016 1205 views

How did you go about finding your first college internship and what did you gain from the internship?

I plan to be engaged in internships when I am at college. #engineering #science #technology #research #experience #work #intern #medical-laboratory

Alden’s Avatar
Alden May 25, 2016 1143 views

What is the best part about studying abroad?

I am interested in studying abroad in college. #science #biology #education #research #chemistry #studying

Audrey’s Avatar
Audrey May 25, 2016 635 views

What extracurriculars stand out when applying for medical school?

As a freshman and soon-to-be sophomore, I haven't participated in much on and off campus. I'm worried that I won't be able to find anything I'm very interested in by the time I need to apply. #college #medicine

Chyanne’s Avatar
Chyanne May 25, 2016 935 views

How does it feel transitioning to High School student to College Student and trying to pay for it?

I ask this because in one more month I will be a college student and I'm still trying to figure out how I will get the money because scholarships haven't been easy to get. #college #professor #students

Chyanne’s Avatar
Chyanne May 25, 2016 1008 views

Whats the hardest thing to do in the FBI?

I ask this because I would love to be in the FBI one day and fight crime. #police-officer #federal-government #federal-agent

David’s Avatar
David May 25, 2016 1051 views

Just curious to know, how could a Mechanical/Industrial Engineering degree, and an IT degree (one of them) lead to a job in the computer software industry?

I'm David, a rising, college sophomore, who is majoring in Information Technology. Although I'm thinking about becoming a future web developer/employee for either the internet, or online media industry, I am still curious in learning more about how different fields of engineering can benefit...

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