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B. Eni’s Avatar
B. Eni Jun 10, 2016 1740 views

What college majors should I apply to in order to be a diplomat?

I want to be a diplomat or even work for the U.N, but I am unsure what I should major in. I am currently leaning towards Economics, Journalism, and probably will go to law school. Any other suggestions? #international-affairs #united-nations #diplomacy

Harrison’s Avatar
Harrison Jun 09, 2016 3593 views

I just turned 40 years old and still want to become a dentist. Can i first become a dental hygienist then move on to dental school to become a dentist? Would really apreciate your advice given the urgency to me.

Am a citizen of the United States originally from Cameroon(West Africa). I studied Dentistry in the Ukraine(Eastern Europe) and graduated as a dentist before immigrating to the United States to become a citizen. Upon my arrival in the U.S, I made some early attempts...

Alisha’s Avatar
Alisha Jun 07, 2016 1090 views

How does one start working for the U.N.?

I am interested in working for the U.N. to make the world a better place by working on issues like reducing pollution, stopping wars and eradicating can I go about achieving all this ? #economics #united-nations #social-change #foreign-policy

Blessed Joshua ’s Avatar
Blessed Joshua Jun 06, 2016 2162 views

Is it important to learn Git and Github for the software industry?

I'm a first year Computer Science major.

Blessed Joshua ’s Avatar
Blessed Joshua Jun 02, 2016 1945 views

What's the best way to gain Computer Science experience, without any experience at all?

I am a first year Computer Science Major #computer-science #technology #software #programming #computer-engineering #programmer #development #google

Daniel Iyanoye’s Avatar
Daniel Jun 01, 2016 1251 views

How does a venture capitalist know at first sight it's the next big thing

As a venture capitalist or investor, you always look to put your seeds in the next big thing and watch it grow to become a giant tree. But what's the 100% guarantee about the business you're funding and how do you know personally it's a wise move, besides the profile on paper #startups...

Blessed Joshua ’s Avatar
Blessed Joshua May 30, 2016 2264 views

I'm thinking of learning how to develop mobile apps. Which is more valuable to companies iOS or Android? I

I can't decide which operating system to focus on. #software #software-development #software-engineer #android #ios #mobile #mobile-app

Alisha’s Avatar
Alisha May 27, 2016 2056 views

What are the tried and tested, best social media tools to use in the industry ?

I'm new to social media marketing and I would like to know how I could optimize my social media to drive growth #business #marketing #social-media #sales

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