Oakbrook Terrace, IL
How do i start a business at a young age
What is the best wayvto start and run a successful business at a young age
What is the easiest way to find your dream career?
What are some easy ways to find a long term career?
Should I quit my sport?
I'm currently in 9th grade and have been doing rhythmic gymnastic since around 4-5 grade. I've been wondering if I should quit since I practice 4 hours a day on school days and haven't been getting enough sleep or good grades. Currently I have all As except for 2 subjects which are Bs, but I...
How can I develop a good college essay?
I am in 9th grade and I am 15 years old. I do not know what I want to major in yet.
when is it a good time to think about collages?
how do i get into photography? what collages have photography? can i go to collage if you have no money? when is it a good time to think about what collages i want to go to?
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