Salem, New Hampshire

what would I major in if i want to be in the entertainment industry?
#dance #hip-hop-dance

Best ways to pay off student debt ?
- not trying to be in debt for 20 years
#college-debt #debtfree

What is it about college that makes it so expensive?
I mean, it's basically living at school with more quality food, but why does it cost thousands a year? #make-money

What can I do now to better myself to be a better dancer in the future?
I'm in 10th grade and I am trying to get into different affordable dance programs to help me #hip-hop-dance #dance

Is it difficult to be a psychologist/ do you have to be really smart?
#psychology #smart #psychologist

How many years of school will I have to go through to go into human resources?
I want to go into Human Resources but not start off on a low status I want to start off with a high rank and make six figures when I'm a couple years out of college.

If I am torn between three jobs I want in life, how do I choose one over the others?
PA, psychologist, or FBI agent #torn #hardchoice #whatdoido #medicine #PA #criminal-justice #psychology
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