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Tiburon, California

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Abby’s Avatar
Abby Jan 10, 2018 551 views

How much education is needed to become a biomedical engineer?

Are there any specialty schools and how long does this education take? #biomedical-engineering

Jana’s Avatar
Jana Jan 10, 2018 502 views

What would be a good College for a psychology degree that isn't too expensive and doesn't require high grades?


Amelia’s Avatar
Amelia Jan 10, 2018 912 views

Places to intern for ultrasound tech

Where are places in Oakland that have intern programs for ultrasound technicians? #ultrasound #employers #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care

Paola’s Avatar
Paola Jan 10, 2018 864 views

How hard would it be to become a Lawyer?

I am a junior. I am interested in law, being influenced by my mother who told me that it would be interesting. Looking into law, it seems very difficult so I wanted a first-person perspective. #law #law-school #lawyer #law-school #law-school,-being-a-lawyer,-law-firms,-judicial-clerkships...

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Jan 10, 2018 910 views

Is there a way to attend both law school and medical school?

I am interested in both law and medicine, and I am looking for a way to pursue both interests. I have heard of people who have done both; however, I am unsure of how to go about this so any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. #lawschool #medicalschool

Juliette’s Avatar
Juliette Jan 10, 2018 863 views

What classes do I have to take to become a sports psychologist?

I am a junior in high school and am researching different careers I may be interested in performing in the future. I have been physically active and involved in sports for my whole life and am considering becoming a sports psychologist however I do not know how to go about this. #sports...

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Jan 10, 2018 540 views

Are there loan forgiving programs (Teach for America, etc) for those in medicine?

I know teaching majors have opportunities to work in exchange for federal loan forgiveness. Are there any similar programs for those interested in majoring in medicine or biology? #medicine #loans

emiliano’s Avatar
emiliano Jan 10, 2018 842 views

Is music production something I should go to college for?

l'm a freshman in high school and I have a passion for cooking some fire beats and I want to get better. Some of my role models are metro boomin, whoever made the beat for Tay-K's "the race". I would appreciate some advice very much and look forward to having a conversation. #musicproduction...

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