Should I take Chemistry or Spanish II over the summer?
I'm nearing the end of my Freshman year, and I have the option to take summer classes. I'm allowed to take two, the first one being Algebra II. Should my second chosen class be Chemistry, or Spanish II?
If I were to take Chemistry over the summer, I'd take Physics next year and have no required Science class for 11th grade.
If I were to take Spanish II over the summer, I'd have a free period (most likely set for Agricultural Science) only.
Chemistry, I would presume, sounds the most appealing―but I have a disdain for taking Spanish so late to begin with (I was under the presumption I could take American Sign Language this year... If I knew not, I would've taken Spanish in 8th grade.)
So... Chemistry or Spanish II for the summer?
2 answers
Tiff’s Answer
Luis "Lou"’s Answer
The thing about languages is that, "if you don't use them, you loose them." Unless you have someone you can/want to speak in Spanish to on a regular basis, most of what you learn, you'll forget. Chemistry gets you ahead, and you won't have to deal with the pressure of it during the regular school year.
If you do have someone to speak Spanish with, just tell them to teach you.