What are some things that employeers look for during an interview
Just so I can avoid these or do them #interviewing-skills
9 answers
Jack’s Answer
- Being honest. Many interviewer first looks for your honesty, so many questions would relate to what you have done and present in your resume. Just to verify that! If you don't know something, just say so.
- Open-minded and ready for learning new things. There are many time that the position you are applying is not quite matched well with your background. So, be enthusiastic and willing to meet the challenges.
- Good attitude and polite. Your background and experiences may fit snugly the position; but if you cannot be a good team player, not many would hire you.
- Being prepare and attentive. You should set your goals and study about the position and company you are applying. Anything not clear in Job description or any part of question, you may ask during this interview. Don't try to make assumption or guess.
- Don't be nervous, stay calm. Pay attention to question. Avoid cutting off interviewer. Wait for your turn and ask for clarification if you don't understand question. If you need time to think or compile your answer, just let interviewer know. Don't blank out nor being panic.

Shana Kapustin
Shana’s Answer
Great question, Joshua. I can answer this in two parts - the positive and the not-so-positive.
On the positive side, a lot of employers look for your time/ knowledge/ research you spent on learning about the company and the job itself. It's important to be as prepared as possible and that comes from research. We look for positive attitudes, solid communication skills, appearance - all of those transferable skills you can bring with you anywhere. We look for personality and fit to make sure you will be successful.
A lot of employers also look for gaps in your resume - do you have any and are they explainable. Do you jump around a lot - how many times have you changed jobs or industries, as some employers might see that as being unstable and non-committed. Did you ask the interviewer any questions (I recommend you ask a number of questions as this signals your interest in the company and the job).
I always recommend you be yourself; interviewers are human too.
Shana recommends the following next steps:
Samuel’s Answer
Confidence. Honesty. Culture-fit. Those are probably the three things that you are being analyzed for during the interview process. If you know it, speak up. If you don't, don't make something up! And if you're sold out to the company and what it stands for, you'll do just fine.

Carole Curtis
Carole’s Answer
Hi Joshua: "PREPARING FOR THE INTERVIEW" A resume is a must for any job interview, but other preparation is also necessary to win the job offers. You must prepare yourself further. You must try and distinguish yourself from other candidates. One way is to develop several different themes about yourself during the job interview. This will begin to emphasize your strong points and make a good impression!!As part of your preparation you should think of your 12 themes as a SALES MESSAGE. each will be designed to show your best skills and qualifications. This in turn leads you to a 12 point strategy that will enable you to sell your qualifications in any interview. Develop a personalized approach within your topics by thinking of specific examples from your background that correspond to each topic. You can practice with your answers with someone who will tell you the truth on how it sounds. Remember these are key messages about you for the interviewer. I am going to give you the a shortened version for twelve topics in order for you to prepare for interviewing now and the name of the book below in steps.
- Passion for the Business- ask yourself "Why am I interested in working in this field or industry?"
- Motivation and Purpose: "Why do I want this interview?"3. Skills and Experience: Consider your key skills and how you'll use them in this job. 4. Diligence and Professionalism: Give proof that you persevere to see important projects through and achieve results. 5. Creativity and Leadership: Offer proof of your effectiveness, initiative, leadership! 6. Compatibility with the job: Discuss your specific qualification for the job.7.Personality and Cultural Compatibility: Consider your Personality! 8. Management Style and interpersonal skills: Talk about interpersonal skills you use with peer groups and leaders .9. Problem solving ability: Offer Proof of this ability. 10. Think about your initiative and accomplishments and offer examples. 11. Tailor your aspirations to the realities of this particular job.12. Personal Interests and hobbies: Do you have a balanced lifestyle?
These are the twelve topics you should use as in preparation for your interviewing process. If you follow this approach you will have an advantage on the other candidates. Good Luck to you. Below is the name of this Interviewing book!
Carole recommends the following next steps:
Julius’s Answer
Stephanie’s Answer
Jonathan’s Answer

Jeff jeffery_heathcock@fanniemae.com
Jeff’s Answer
Dress accordingly for interview.
Prior to covid-19, I'd say when you meet your interviewer, look at their eyes and give then a firm handshake.....now maybe it's an elbow bump??
Being prepare and attentive.
Keep eye contact.
Be honest about your skill set
Express willingness to be a team player
Andrew’s Answer
Prepare before the interview. Know about both your potential employer and the industry your potential employer are in. Use this research to ask insightful questions about the role you are interviewing for. Turn off your cell phone and give all of your attention to the interviewer. Think about some of your personal successes - what made you successful and can your relate those experiences to the position you are seeking.