I am wanting to making blogs but not knowing how to start good.?
I am not having social media, only my personal one. Soon I am graduating, so I thinking is good time to showing my knowledge and interests. But mostly I am wanting blog because later I am do YouTubing.
Now I asking, how I start this? My friends telling me LinkedIn is good for this. Is I should just making LinkedIn and posting first blog like: "Hello, I am from Poland, I will talking about many cool places I am traveling, and I will sharing my experiences here on this platform." This only example.
If I posting like this, is good? Or maybe I needing start different? I not wanting to looking bad. Just I wanting to showing my research and interests in traveling. Please helping me, thank you very much!
2 answers
Linda’s Answer

Alexandra M. S. Scheibelhut
Alexandra M. S.’s Answer
First, I recommend deciding on which language you will be using for your account and with your followers. If you plan to use English, I recommend using AI or to expand your studies in the language. Communication skills are the most important skills for Influencers and Content Creators, so your grammar and fluency will be more important in this field of work.
Next, carefully choose an exciting account username. The username will become an important part of your channel's "brand" and marketability. Use the same names across platforms so that your followers can find you easily, whether they first discover you on YouTube or on TikTok.
Lastly, be yourself and post frequently. People follow Influencers because those content creators are interesting people. You gain a following either by going viral, which happens by chance, or by being interesting. People have a short attention span, too, so to keep the followers engaged over time so that you earn money, you need to post often. Posts don't always have to be new content. You can repost old content with a new caption or a question to engage the audience. Build your fanbase by building your content library.
Good luck!!