What's a good part time job as a 16 year old?
I am a 16 year old boy who plays baseball on a regular basis and likes to hang out with my friends on my free time, but my mother wants me to get a job. What are some good part time job ideas for me that'll have a lenient schedule. #gottagetajob #imbroke #anything-fun #moneymaking #no-technology
8 answers
Szabina’s Answer
I babysat. I was also a lifeguard in the summer months. Mowing laws, walking dogs, or pet sitting are other jobs that all allow you a bit more flexibility and are available to younger ages.
You said you are a baseball player. Check out community youth sports to see if they are looking for coaches or assistant coaches. I had a lot of friends that were referees for the sports they played for younger age leagues. There are a lot of options out there that would allow you to work on a flexible schedule.
Best of luck
Corey’s Answer
One of the things I did to make money in high school was signing up to be an umpire for the local little league. I really enjoyed it because I used to play baseball and am a big fan, and it was pretty flexible in the sense that you could sign up for whatever days and times best fit your schedule. I was also a flag football referee and similar to being an umpire, the schedule was very flexible in terms of signing up for whatever works for you.
Jessica’s Answer
I was union, paid well as a cashier, given uniforms, and had medical benefits.
At the mall, kids would spend their money buying clothes there because of their discount, not offered OT and had to dress for the store image and was paid minimum wage.
I might not have had a glamorous job but I had money ;)
For school, they were flexible with my hours for school, but did have to work nights, didn't have a lot of free weekends or holidays ,when I was the back up bookkeeper.
Anne’s Answer
Ask around your high school. I was paid to be the secretary/administrative assistant at my high school athletic department during my free periods and after school. They were super flexible because they understood I had classes, practice and club meetings.
Dennis’s Answer
Great question so many part time jobs out there especially geared toward your age and Baseball like you already know a great Sport to play for many, many years - You can even start as a part time Coach within your Town for Little League or a higher level - It will keep you close to the game as well as getting paid for your time giving you the Coaching experience to maybe being a Coach later after your playing days.
Umpiring also could be a great part time job also keeping you close to your Sport of Baseball!
Best of Luck!
Michael’s Answer
Hi Zane,
I have a couple of ideas for you. I actually played baseball when I was in high school as well and I would umpire on nights and weekends. I focused on little league. Not only is it a good way to make money, but you already know all about the sport. It also helps develop judgement skills, time management and relationship development with players and coaches.
Another idea would be to wait tables on a part time basis. This can also be lucrative and helps to hone your customer service skills, which translate to everything.
Pete’s Answer
So depends what you want to achieve - possibly you can get both.
Don't forget you can also do voluntary work and to be honest, if I am an employer looking for staff, reviewing past work history, this is the one which would stand out the most.
Your call though ...... and at times, taking the only job around is the only way :-)
Good luck !
Melissa’s Answer
As a mother of 3, 2 boys and a girl, I would say the best part time job would be something at a local grocery store. They are very student friendly and will work around your school schedule. If you have Publix Supermarkets in your are, they are exceptional when it comes to hiring teens and getting them started on the job path.
Hope this helps, all the best on your job hunt!