Are 18 credit hours in a semester a lot?
I'm going to be a college Freshman in the fall and I found out because of my major, I will have to take18 credit hours my first semester. Are there any tips on managing time or advice from anyone's personal experience out there? #student #job #professors #school #timemanagement
4 answers
Simeon’s Answer
Chris’s Answer
I just had 3 kids graduate from college and all 3 went into college with credits from high school. One played baseball, had to transfer schools to keep playing and still graduated on time. Another graduated a semester early, while studying abroad, with a minor; and 3rd graduated a year early, taking Computer Science at Virginia Tech and he never had to take 18. It did mean that he took a summer class and perhaps 1 over winter or something like that.
There are always options, but 18 your first semester may be the best, but for sure, you need to look at ALL your options. Usually, things like that happen due to available classes, limited classes, prerequisites, wanting to double major or add a minor. My sons had to make sure that their counselors were really giving the best advice.
Good luck with your decision and plan your work and work your plan. Always better to start the semester off strong, rather, than have to catch up later. Also, there may be a lot of reading preparation you can do the summer before so you can lessen your workload.
LaRae’s Answer
-Be realistic. If the teacher is recommending 5 hours for every credit for study, listen and do it
-Create a board, a paper you can post or something...what is your WHY? Have something that reminds you of why you are doing what you are doing
-Prioritize daily and sometimes more than that. School work will ebb and flow so manage it closely
-Use a planner and keep yourself on track. You are worth it
-Take care of you. Make sure are getting enough sleep, eating well and taking some down time
-Get past your first semester then re-evaluate
-Last but not least...enjoy the process. You will be better for it. You will make it through. Enjoy every moment.
Hope that helps you!
Dannon’s Answer
18 credits are a lot, especially as a freshman! Does that mean you will be taking 6 college classes at a time? There is a lot of transition as you enter college. Having such a heavy schedule will only make that more difficult. I had to retake a course from my first semester because I over estimated my abilities and readiness and I know others who have had to as well. If you take fewer classes, you will have more time for the social and exploration aspects of college.
Dannon recommends the following next steps: