If an opportunity came up for me to leave college early and be a professional in the field I want, should I take it or stay in school?
I am hoping to establish lots of connections in the field, and maybe even have an offer. If it is a good one, should I stay in school or leave and take it? #experience #school #job
4 answers
Debbie’s Answer
Andrew’s Answer
Your job is likely to be short term but your career is long term. When looking at resumes I tend to look at a combination of study and experience. As time goes on then experience is more important as well as other indicators such as a commitment to life-time learning.
In the short term if you give up your studies you are creating a larger dependency on your job being one that you enjoy and that is long term.
I suggest you try blend both options - if you have a solid job opportunity how can you maintain your studies? Even if part time or it takes longer.
The other important consideration is the nature of your career path - if you want to be a lawyer then study is non-negotiable. If you want to be a computer programmer then proficiency in programming is most important.
With regards to a job just remember that a job you are in today could be gone tomorrow and you need to be prepared for that happening.
Best of luck
Andrew recommends the following next steps:
Austin’s Answer
Hi Ryan,
Interesting question. If you have an official job offer in writing and it is what you want to do, then graduating early could be a good idea. You definitely need to get your degree, that's for certain, but if you can graduate early for a job that you want then graduating early could be wise. Graduating school early has some drawbacks as you won't get to spend as much time with your friends, but it also has some benefits as you will end up saving money and entering the professional workforce sooner. Be sure that this is what you want as you do not want to regret having left school, that would not be enjoyable.
Also, do not officially leave until you have an offer in writing and not just a verbal offer. There were times that I had verbal offers and/or written conditional offer of employment that did not happen for whatever reason. Be sure that the job you are leaving for is official and in written form.
I hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck.