What are good study habits/study advise I should use for my senior year and for my freshman year of college?
Textbooks? Websites? Time management? #college #psychology #academic-advising #studying #study-tips
6 answers
Brittni Palkert
Brittni’s Answer
Hi Nyria,
In my experience, everyone has a different studying-style that works well for them and it may take some time and experimenting with different study habits until you find the right one. For me, I studied for tests by re-reading the chapters of the book that would be covered in the test and then took notes, using different colored pens and highlighters to pull out key points. However, this certainly doesn’t work for everyone! Others need to think about case examples and really apply what they’ve learned by going to office hours and taking practice tests. One thing that was tricky for me when transitioning to college was keeping up on reading assignments - because homework wasn’t “due”, I simply didn’t do the suggested readings and fell very behind. unfortunately the lectures won’t cover everything that is on the tests! So make sure to keep up on the readings :) best of luck!
Catalina’s Answer
Hi there-
Here is something that helped me (and continues to do):
Having a list of all your assignments with the due dates. Whenever you receive a homework or know that you have a test. Have them all mapped out in a calendar. Organize them by priority, level of complexity, how long do you think it will take it, and due date. Don't focus only on the due date, there might be something that looks pretty far away, but will probably take you very long to complete. So for me it's always been helpful to plan in advance and prioritize the activities.
Simeon’s Answer
Ann Gianoglio Burk, MBA
Ann’s Answer
Hi Nyria,
This is a great question, and I am glad that you are dedicated to your coursework. The most important thing to do when it comes to studying, is to make it a top priority. When you procrastinate and push your studies until later, you end up cramming at the last minute. This was a bad habit that I had in high school, and it was very hard to break in high school. However, when you put your studies first you will be a lot less stressed about getting it done. The other important piece of advice I have it to take frequent breaks. Make sure you aren't studying for longer than 2 hours without a 15 minute break. Studies show that after 2 hours, we stop retaining information. This goes for writing papers as well. After you finish your first draft of a paper, make sure to set it aside for a day, if you can. Then go back and reread what you have written. This will help you to see what you've written from a fresh prospective. Good luck!
Chase’s Answer
In my experience, a good habit is to keep reading everything new in your senior year. This can help us to find out what is interested and choose the major we like in the first year of college.
Su’s Answer
Hello Nyria,
There are many ways and method to study. Work for one may not work for others. For me, I use a daily planner and plan my schedule with top priority. Also, review the note I took during the class each day.
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