What type of education and requirements would I need to be an entrepreneur?
I have always been interested in owning my own business. It is about time for me st start looking at colleges and I was wondering what classes I would have to take to gain a degree in business. What should I major in? How many years of college would be required? would I need a license to own my own my own business? How does one go about starting a business? What are some suggestions for someone looking to start their own business? #business #entrepreneurship
3 answers
Kushaan’s Answer
A few months back, I started my own non-profit. I managed development, marketing operations, hiring, partnerships, fundraising, and new projects and it's still currently running. I have a degree from a regular four-year college. I have no graduate degrees, certifications, or prodigal talents. I didn't start with pools of money either.
Being an entrepreneur doesn't depend on your college, degree, or age. It depends on having a unique vision, how well you articulate this vision, and how much you can get others excited about the vision. Chances are that any small business you want already exists; you have to think about how you want to focus on a customer or distinguish yourself from others in the same area. At this point, all it takes is understanding the legal aspects, incorporating, and recruiting a good team. Even this isn't a guarantee of success. You have to keep churning out good ideas, building relationships, and marketing your butt off.
So far, nobody has asked me about my GPA or where I went to college. They focus on what I can do for them.
My advice is go to any college. It it has an entrepreneurship program, that's great. You don't need a specific business degree or number of years but entrepreneurship programs usually give you a lot of experiences to test your mettle with small business. Here are some examples: http://www.entrepreneur.com/slideshow/237330
You can really start anytime you have an idea though. Hope this helps!

Erika Chan
Erika’s Answer
I think getting an undergraduate and/or masters in business would be helpful as you would get the opportunity to learn from people who are actually running businesses. While education is important, in some cases some of the most successful entrepreneurs never finished their degrees - look at Michael Dell for example.
I would encourage you to think about what you are passionate about and what skills you excel in to figure out what kind of business you want to start. Then reach out to people in those industries to get mentors and internships so you can get experience under your belt.
Michael’s Answer
Cassandra, hi. My opinion is entrepreneurship is more about how and why than what! For some 'Professional' activities you will require qualifications, lawyer, hair stylist, electrician. Some of these will require college degrees, some practical experience, and they can all be entrepreneurs if they decide to work for themselves or grow a small company.
College programs help you develop among other things critical thinking, project planning, research and presentation. Valuable to entrepreneurs. Money management marketing are also important. New Entrepreneurship programs are now available blending business with other technology and people skills.
So you can be an entrepreneur if you go to college or not! Any program you take you can still apply the learning entrepreneurially. Also remember entrepreneurship is a team sport so look for teammates.
To own a business you need a good idea and some money! No general license required, just competence although some industries are regulated, e.g.. insurance, real estate. To successfully run it you need people, management, marketing and many other skills, depending on the business. Theoretical courses will help with the analysis and theory, sadly the best way to learn how to run a business is run one...just start small.
My final suggestion to someone starting a business if find something you are passionate about. Its typically lot's of hours for little reward for a long time....but if you are passionate and persistent it can pay back big time. Good Luck