How do counselors use technology?
If I become a counselor, how does technology relate to that? I need to know as many ways as possible. Please help, thanks! :)
1 answer
Daniela Silva
Daniela’s Answer
Hi Jennica,
Here are important technological tools that help much in the work of counselors and career mentors:
Blogs: Some school counseling programs use blogs (Web logs) linked to the school Web site. The purposes of a blog could be to keep the school community informed about programs and events or to help answer questions from students and parents about topics such as preparing college applications, financial aid, part-time jobs and so on.
E-mail lists or listservs: These could serve as one way to build a cooperative relationship. Updates could provide information on deadlines for testing, scholarships, admission into college or community college, newsletters, etc.
A more interactive way of communicating with parents is through the use of instant messaging (IM). This works best at times when working parents are likely to be able to engage in chat.
Webinars: Webinars are a type of synchronous Web conference that allows participants to sit at their own computer and see and hear a presentation on their computer screen. There are ways (audio and text) in which participants can interact with each other as well as with the presenter. Most often, all it requires is for participants to enter a Web site address provided by the presenter to attend the webinar.
Podcasts: Similar in nature to the webinar, a podcast allows a training or information session to be digitally recorded and made available on the Internet for downloading to a personal audio player. Audio and video capabilities are possible.
Digital recordings: Information sessions or training sessions can be digitally recorded and transferred to DVDs.
Facebook sites, and school counselors can use this forum for the school counseling program by creating groups with shared interests. For example, there could be a group for freshmen parents or middle school parents.
All the best!