What is the best way to adapt to a new environment and live on your own?
#livingwitharoommate #newenvironment
1 answer
Robyn K
Robyn’s Answer
This is a really great question and given the multiple living arrangements I've had my main recommendation is communication - and I mean before you move in and while you live together.
First, think about what you need. Is quiet important to you? How clean are you and how much do you care? Do you have food allergies? What are your feelings about people in the house? These are super specific but just take time to think about what kind of living environment is important for you to have.
When you go to see a place or decide on a roommate, ask questions. And be clear about what your dealbreakers are. There may be ways to adapt, and compromise is key when living with someone, but if you have a sense of their dealbreakers and they know yours, moving in together will be easier from the start.
People change as do environments. With changes, I just think it's important to keep communication flowing. When I lived in a house with five people, we had weekly meetings. When I had a challenge with a roommate who was a night owl and lived above me, I asked him to coffee and we had a conversation about what we could do to help. (I got a noise machine and ear plugs and he agreed to be more aware after 11pm.) We still had to check-in every so often, but at least we were both respectful of being different.
At the end of the day, living with people is just something you have to figure out as you go along. However, I do believe that being open, respectful, and willing to adapt goes a long way to making it a better environment for all of you.