3 answers
Amelia’s Answer
Great question! In my experience, the best way to receive financial aid for study abroad is to conduct research for your university. In many cases, if you complete a grant proposal and then travel and write a review on your research and how it benefits the university they will provide you will money for travel expenses, as well as a living stipend.
Another option is to apply for a grant online. Websites such as CIEE (https://www.ciee.org/go-abroad/college-study-abroad/study-abroad-scholarships-grants?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=access_2018&utm_term=study%20abroad%20grants&utm_content=access_ad1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIksfW2Lf13gIV04uzCh1OVAiuEAAYAiAAEgI7gfD_BwE) offer money to students performing reseach abroad.
Amelia recommends the following next steps:
Miranda’s Answer
I would suggest looking into your qualifications for the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship. When I was in college I applied to this scholarship and was lucky enough to get this scholarship, without which I couldn't have gone abroad. It is a federal scholarship that ranges in amounts based on financial need.
Miranda recommends the following next steps:
Kevyn’s Answer
I suggest asking the study abroad office for help. If they aren't helpful I would recommend researching study abroad scholarships online. Anything will help. Also, consider creating a gofundme page. Many of my friends have created accounts, and they received a couple of thousand in financing.