What would you say is one of the best tactics to stay debt free in college?
What would be a good budget plan for during college ? #school
2 answers
KAYLA’s Answer
Debt free in college seems near impossible. However my first piece of advice is to apply for ALL local scholarships and financial aid. Your local banks, Youth Centers sports teams all may offer local scholarships. They may only be for a few hundred dollars but every bit makes a difference. Then I would start to look at scholarships at the school you are attending. They may have scholarships you can apply for based on your performance in high school.
For a budget - free and easy - I used excel. Monthly - I put in how much money I would make from my job - tutoring or teaching a fitness class or teaching lessons or serving at a restaurant. Then input your monthly expenses including your tuition (less any scholarships), your books, your food and any extracurriculars. See where you fall out and adjust from there. There is also an app called MINT which helps you manage your budget electronically and on your phone.
Happy to give any more specific advice just reach out or leave a comment!
KAYLA recommends the following next steps: