What are some good college recommendations for an aspiring psychologist?
#psychologist #clinical-psychology #counseling-psychology #clinical-psychology
3 answers
Dr. Reeta’s Answer

Candice Robinson, BS, NCPT-4
Candice’s Answer
1. Are there specific issues you want to deal with?
- Addiction
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Eating Disorders
- Marriage
- Self Esteem
2. What age group or groups do you want to work with?
- Toddlers & Children
- Preteen & Teens
- Adults & Elders
Specific schools vary based upon the location and if you want to attend at a traditional brick and mortar campus or online? It is showing that you are based out of Montgomery, Alabama. So I would start by doing a Google search for "psychology schools" in that area. Again, it may be helpful to know what area you want to go into so that you can see if a local school actually offers that type of psychology program.
Dr. Ray’s Answer
Dear Cameron,
My apologies for the delay in answering your question. I went to college back at the dawn of history, in the 1960's, so I am not terribly conversant with current college programs. I do know that psychology is a very popular major so you should not have trouble finding a good program.
One thing you need to know is that there are very few jobs that require a bachelor's degree in psychology. If you want to function as a psychologist you will need at least a master's degree and preferably a Ph.D. So, unfortunately it is a rather long road. An undergraduate major in psychology is certainly fine, but a degree in any social science field would be ok as far as getting into graduate school is concerned. I would also suggest undergraduate courses in statistics and biology, and any courses that help you learn good writing and verbal communication skills.
I notice that both the University of Alabama and Auburn University have Ph.D. programs in psychology, which means that their undergraduate programs are probably quite good and close to home.
I wish you the best in pursuing your career goals. Feel free to contact me directly if I can be of any further help.
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