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What are good majors to pair with English Literature for a double major?

I'm really wanting to go into English Literature during college, but I think perhaps it would be wise to get a double major, for practicality and broader scope of career, but I'm not sure which major would be best to go into to supplement/compliment my Literature degree. #english #double-major #majors #college-major

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Roslyn’s Answer

Sara - I completely relate to your question. When I was in college, I loved English literature and wanted to devote time to it, but I wasn’t sure of the practical implications for my career options. I did know that I planned to go to law school. I also knew that I enjoyed interacting with people. For me, that led to coupling my English degree with a degree in Psychology. My advice to you is to think about your plans beyond college (and they may change, but you can adjust). Do you plan to go to graduate school? Do you want to begin your career immediately after graduating college? As you think about answers to these questions, also think about jobs/careers that currently interest you. Take a look at bios for individuals that hold those positions and see what type of degrees they have. I suggest this as a way to stimulate your thoughts about possible degree exploration. For me, I did not think I wanted a career centered around my English degree - at least not in my early career. You may want a career centered around your English degree, and an English degree may be the only major you need for your current career plans. To further your thooughts in this area, you may want to research jobs/careers utilizing an English degree if you don’t have one in mind already. It will also be important for you to consider how many credits are required to complete another major in conjunction with your English degree. Some degree requirements may be difficult to complete within a four year time period if you want to pursue an English degree as well.

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Tamasyn’s Answer

Hi Sara, I also got a literature degree and love English so much but further down the path I’ve wanted to combine it with other things, psychology, philosophy, law. I think you need to ask yourself what you love about it. Is it the writing part? Do you want to be an author? Maybe try business conjoint. Do you want to teach it? Education conjoint. Do you love stories? Psychology or social sciences. Do you love the big questions in literature? Philosophy. Feel free to come back to me if you can’t quite articulate what just yet and I’ll try and help.