How many credit hours should you take during your first semester of college?
As a freshman in college, what are the recommended amount of hours to take during your fall semester? #college
2 answers
Allison’s Answer
Great question. Your college academic advisor should be able to provide a recommendation for you. Having said that, my recommendation is below.
The class load should be looked at as a combination of coursework and credits. In my experience, credit hours can be a little higher if the coursework is easier for you or if it is all inter-related. If you are just taking some basic requirements, I'd say target no more than 15 credits. And you might want to take a little less depending on whether you are working or if you are taking super challenging courses.
After you get through your 15 credit semester, you will know whether you can take on more or if you should be carrying less. One semester I took 21 credits. That was really not smart. I simply didn't have the time to manage 7 classes. 5 was comfortable for me and seemed to be pretty typical for folks.
Diane’s Answer
I know it's not an answer, but hopefully it gives you some things to take into consideration for making this decision.