3 answers
Do all schools require you to live in the dorm during your freshman year?
Don't really want to live in a small room with someone I don't know. #antisocial
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3 answers
Sherita’s Answer
Christian, it really depends on the school.
Zak’s Answer
Most colleges will require you to live on campus "The Yard" during your freshman year. I would encourage you to keep an open mind and get to know your roommate. This is a time where you can build life long friendships and can leverage those friendships to advance in your career one day.
Crystal’s Answer
Hi Christian! In answer to your question, it depends on the requirements of each school. Generally they may have out of state freshman live in the dorms to acclimate to collage life. I can appreciate your not wanting to live with someone you don't know but try it first before you commit to not liking the idea. College life can be exciting and dorm room living is a once and life time experience to learn from other people and create experiences that help you learn and grow.