What education is required to become a Nurse?
What kind of degree or education do I need to become a Nurse #nurse
2 answers
Anna’s Answer
It IS possible, at least in some states, to work as a registered nurse with an associates degree while you are pursuing your BSN. If you live in a state where an associates degree in nursing is available, you would need to pass the NCLEX (licensing exam) before working as an RN and most places will require a committal to earn the BSN within 2-3 years of employment. This option can be helpful if cost of education is a factor for you (School is expensive, right?). You can earn an A.D. in nursing at a community college in 2 years (if you attend full-time) at far less than the same education would cost you at a university. If your goal is to work at a hospital, many larger hospitals offer monetary assistance toward your BSN.
If you have any other questions about nursing, please reach out!
Shannon’s Answer
Hi Abigail,
Registered Nurses have 4 year Bachelors degrees from a college. Real world experience in hospitals or other medical settings is taught as part of some college programs as well.
If you're interested in becoming a nurse do some research on good Nursing programs offered and see what best fits you, location, program, tuition cost, etc.
USNews is a trusted website for college rankings and information.
When you find several programs that you like and would want to pursue, research the school's nursing program on their official university website. I went ahead and looked up Indiana University's Nursing website as an example since your question says Versailles Indiana
A student as Indiana nursing will take 4 years of courses in nursing, science, humanities and other general electives.
Best of luck!
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