Insomniac Roomate
How to tell my roomate that she cannot wake me up at 3 am and organize the room at that time?
I should breeth in/breeth out first!!!
#roomatetrouble # #college-advice #sharingIsCaring
3 answers

Daniela Silva
Daniela’s Answer
Hi Paulina!
Living with an inconsiderate roommate, unfortunately, is all too common of a problem for college students. It is especially stressful when living in the close confines of a dorm room. While it may be tempting to be inconsiderate too, that usually is not the best course of action.
These are some guidelines for dealing with an inconsiderate roommate:
Daniela recommends the following next steps:
Rhonda’s Answer
Nikita’s Answer
Sorry about your roommate situation! I would recommend that you have a conversation with her about her nighttime habits if you have not already because it is completely possible she doesn't know how loud she's being. However, what is important to remember is, if she does not respond well to your initial conversation and keeps doing things at night, you should continue up the ladder to your RA, if that doesn't work go to their supervisor, and if that doesn't work, try to request a room change. You deserve to have a good night's sleep and it is crucial to actually get good work done in college. Good luck!