5 answers
Ryan’s Answer
Marissa’s Answer
Hi Paul,
Great question! It can often be overwhelming and sometimes daunting given the work load at college. I would agree with Rita that investing in a planner is very helpful so all of your assignments, major projects, tests, etc. are all in the same place. I often had a different notebook/binder for each class, which made it easier for studying. I also found that making checklists often helped me prioritize my work - and feel a great sense of accomplishment being able to check off tasks - no matter how big or small! It's also important to make sure you have a good work-life balance - make sure you are doing the activities/sports you love while giving yourself enough time to socialize with friends, study, and set yourself up for success! I hope this helps - best of luck to you!
Clare’s Answer
1. Be interested in what you are learning (this can sometimes be a struggle but try and find something in the topic that keeps your interest)
2. Surround yourself with people on your course who are also there to learn and be successful
3. Make sure you have 'off days' where you relax and do something completely different
4. Get enough sleep!
Kanan’s Answer
I personally struggled with this my first year but you will get into the rhythm of it! I was organized, planned ahead, made sure to have a social life as well. Try to make a schedule and you will feel on top of it! if you cant succeed at first find different tactics such as study groups!