In 2018, are women still underrepresented in the medical field?
I know that in the past women have been underrepresented in basically all STEM fields but it seems like more women are beginning to enter professions that are traditionally “male-dominated” such as medicine. So my question is: in 2018 do men still significantly outnumber women in medical schools in the United States?
#womeninscience #medicine #medicalschool
3 answers
Rachel’s Answer
Richard’s Answer
In my field, radiology, there are still more males than females.

Dr. Kristy Taylor, D.H.Sc., Ed.S.
Dr. Kristy’s Answer
This particular blog article has always been one of my favorite points of reference for questions like yours: When it comes to more technical, mid-level jobs providing hands-on patient care such as nursing, women are in the majority. The under representation becomes evident as women seek to climb the corporate leadership ladder to become CEOs of healthcare facilities.
Also, representation continues to vary by healthcare specialty area. A more recent article from the Washington Post provides some insight into the role that women play in hands-on patient care: