What is the hardest part of being a dotor?
I would like to know if I would be able to know if I can handle that kind of stress #doctor
1 answer
T. Thaddaeus A' Man Ph.D, MSOL, BSHSM, QHP, RTT
T. Thaddaeus A' Man’s Answer
Greetings Abigail J.,
I am assuming that you are referring to an M.D. (doctor) when you say dotor (I could be wrong). Either way, I am not an M.D. although I am a doctor. Note in Greek terminology the definition of doctor is teacher. I earned a doctoral degree in Health Administration in 2009. I'm also an ICRC credentialed Mental and Behavioral Health Professional, with a Masters Degree in Organizational Leadership and Management, and a 4 yr. undergraduate Degree in Behavioral Science/Health and Human Services Management and Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Education and Services. And, have been working in the field of health and human services, education, community engagement and capacity building for over 20 years. To answer your question, the hardest part of being a doctor is just that - being a doctor as in teaching, and in order to be an effective teacher, one must be a committed and humble learner. In a nut shell we must learn from those that we seek to teach, as we must understand what needs to be treated before we seek to teach and/or treat. That means we must first (continuously self-monitor, learn, know and grow) and take care of and empower ourselves bio-psycho-socially and spiritually, so that we can in turn create the necessary mileu, apply the appropriate tools and clinical and managerial and leadership technology in real-time practice so that those that we serve may have the least obstacles and barriers and optimal opportunities to successfully engaging in a process of healing, self-empowerment, recovery and improved quality of life, as determined by the those that we serve. The hardest part of being a doctor (from my professional and personal experience) is consistently remaining humble - bringing all of ourselves (our potential to help), while bringing less of ourselves (our potential to cause harm), we must be constantly on guard and committed to doing no harm in the interest of doing good. I hope this is helpful to you in some way moving forward in professional career and your bigger life. Best regards ~ Excel! ONE~LOVE!!! T. Thaddaeus A' Man