What would you say builds the best work assets
when working towards a career what habits and or skills is it good to develop.
3 answers
John’s Answer
Grace’s Answer
first, relentlessly pursue knowledge to satisfy your curiosity about what it's really like to be in a profession. ask people what it's like, the good, the bad, the ugly. if you can intern or volunteer to have the chance to experience what it's like to do a job or be around others who are doing a job that you're interested in, do it and then get in learning mode. learn as much as you can from the people there and try to pick up as many skills as you can possibly pick up along the way. write them down and build on them- and importantly, get in the practice of sharing with others what you have learned. the best way to know you've really learned something well is to be able to share with others who will listen/see.
second, be honest about who you are about: what you like to do, don't like to do, what your goals are (money, time to live life outside of work, c-suite, some other ambition, etc.) and most importantly what you are willing to put up with to achieve your goals. it's not easy to do because you have to invest time and thought in getting to know yourself well. de-program everything that you are taught is right and good, and acknowledge when something seems good to you or bad for you, and ask why. be in the practice of asking yourself these things, and then get in the practice of listening to yourself honestly and without judgement. I really think this is a key practice that builds integrity, which is essential to being a good leader.
I think that the more you are able to practice these habits, the more at peace you will likely be when you take an inventory of the career (and life) choices you've made along the way. Good luck!
Jackson’s Answer
Rene: Great question. I often thought about what I would tell my younger self.
I enjoy reading. Therefore I would recommend 2 books that answered your question.
(1) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey.
This self-help book provides timeless principles that build one's character. I am still using the principle outlined in that book today.
(2) How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
When I met with college hires (new employees just graduated from college and joined the company), I said to myself, you will be successful quicker at the work place if you practice the habits from "How to Win Friends and Influence People", instead of complaining about the things not going your way. Some of them would listen to me. But others will ignore me and continue complaint.
Jackson recommends the following next steps: