3 answers
Alan’s Answer
Hi Jean, tough question and it depends on who you ask. I think ultimately it depends on what you're looking for when you're comparing both artists.
Mark’s Answer
Hi Jean! Why choose one musical genius when you can choose both?
In my opinion, both 2Pac and Notorious BIG were legendary -- not just as rappers and performers, but as groundbreaking writers whose voices created a rivalry that spanned coast to coast.
If you really want to pick sides, then check out these articles:
- https://thetylt.com/entertainment/tupac-biggie-greatest-rapper-of-all-time-goat
- https://www.quora.com/Who-was-a-better-rapper-Biggie-or-Tupac
Sentaze’s Answer
Hi Jean,
I just want to advise you my answer is purely opinion. I believe that Tupac is the superior artist for many reasons but we will start with Body of work. Tupacs 10+ studio albums versus Biggie's 2 make Tupac's Catalog more divers and deeper in content. On a cultural impact Tupac is one of the greatest of all time for any artist.