Will technology completely overtake paper, whiteboards, etc. in the classroom setting? #technology #tech
Will technology completely overtake paper, whiteboards, etc. in the classroom setting? #technology #tech
4 answers
Daniel’s Answer
Great question, as of right now it is no where close to overtaking. Eventually maybe in 100 years or more it will, but it is decreasing more people are going paperless and using technology now a days however we are not going to see this change anytime soon. Hope this helps!
source: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-32130647
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Nir’s Answer
Jen’s Answer
Hi, there! I taught in elementary schools for several years and I was a student in one many years ago myself :) I have a little experience with the use of tech in the classroom.
From what I have seen, technology has always been integrated into classrooms. Even when I was a student, our teachers used as much "cutting edge" technology as possible to keep us engaged and learning. I did the same thing with my students as well.
Technology can do wonders for learning! In fact, I'd argue that it already has taken over pen/paper/whiteboards in a classroom. Smartboards, tablets, mobile devices, and adaptive learning software are all so popular in most classrooms. Teachers love tech because it helps engage their students while also providing a rich and adaptive experience for students.
Now, will tech completely replace pen/paper/whiteboards?I'm not so sure. There's always going to a be "technology is great ... when it's working!" element to a classroom experience. If a teacher needs to get material to a student and wifi is down or a monitor is blown then they will need to be able to rely on a concrete delivery method, like whiteboards or pen and paper. Even if the tech is down, the students still need to learn! Moreover, there are some students who truly prefer working with pen/paper/whiteboards. Most teachers try to adapt the classroom experience to touch about all learning styles and preferences.
<span style="color: rgb(93, 103, 106);">It's important to note that this is coming from an elementary/middle school perspective. I think that the likelihood of technology replacing pen/paper/whiteboards in college and high school is </span>much<span style="color: rgb(93, 103, 106);"> more likely and will likely happen sooner than the younger grades. Hope this helps! </span>