what's best career for me?
my major is tourism management, but I would like to study another major.
what kind of major is good for me?
2 answers
shane’s Answer
Kim’s Answer
What's wrong with Tourism Management? Why do you want to change? What are you good at? What do you enjoy? (Not everyone enjoys doing what they are good at - for example - I'd be a good accountant, but I hate office work!)
These are things you need to work through. If you can provide a bit more context, we might be able to give you some ideas. But, living in San Antonio, I can tell you that the Convention and Tourism industry is HUGE! There are so many ways it can be applied: Recruiting conventions to a city or a hotel, making sure everything goes perfect for the convention; working for hotels, airlines, cities, cruise lines, etc. The hours would possibly be non-traditional hours. Heck, we even have employees in Mexico promoting our city.
Please give a bit more info, and I'll be happy to discuss with you!