How many years does it take to be a photographer
I already love to take pictures of landscapes, and i would love to take more detailed and professional photos. #photography #fashion #art
2 answers
Nikhil’s Answer
Hello, I am an amateur photographer and having dabbled in photography for 15+ years, I think a person never becomes a photographer over few weeks or months or years, but a person simply becomes a better photographer with time. I say that because I am the de-facto photographer for family/friend events, reunions etc and I often receive compliments for the pictures that I take. However, I know that there are countless other photographers out there who take better pictures than me and I am continually inspired and motivated by their work. 'Good' photography I humbly believe is a never ending quest.
Chandra’s Answer
2-3 years, one of my friend started, follow this page on insta sushanvalence.
He will guide you through.