How can I complete medical school while working?
I want to be a doctor, but worry about the financial burden of undergraduate and medical school. I am an independent student financially supporting myself. I am looking for tips on how to find a job with flexible hours and navigating school requirements.
#doctor #medicine #premed #medschool -school
7 answers
Richard’s Answer
A CPA who did taxes during March and April but took the rest of the year to concentrate on studying
A PA who did a one or two weekend shifts per month.
A valet parking attendant who liked to combine his exercise -- running back and forth to cars -- with his job.
Yasemin’s Answer
Best of luck!
Karl B.’s Answer
Rachel’s Answer
Also, attending classes at a community college, choosing a state school, and applying to all scholarships available can minimize cost.
sarah’s Answer
Be motivated, GET ENOUGH SLEEP!!. remember why you are going into medicine when you get tired on those bad days.
Estelle’s Answer
If you live frugally, paying back loans can be done quickly--I have many friends who paid off the loans within the first year of practice after residency.
Andy’s Answer
I suggest you talk with the financial aide departments of several possible schools you would be interested in attending. Depending on the school and your specific personal financial situation, there may be a variety of financial resources to help assist.