If my strenghts are puntual, dedication, and organize and my hobbies are beach and clean, what types of careers or industries might best fit me?
#career #JOB #career-choice
2 answers

Carole Curtis
Carole’s Answer
Melisa; As I read about you strengths and hobbies my first thought for a career was a Teacher. The reason for that was usually teachers and trainers are punctual, organized, and very dedicated to their career and other areas of their life. Because teachers can have different time frames with their jobs either with schools or with companies, they would be more apt to find time to go to the beach, read a book, swim or just enjoy the environment. The other career that I thought about was a Tour Guide, they must be punctual, dedicated and very organized with the group that they have, but will also have time to hit the beach either with a tour group or after the tour is over. I am not sure how clean comes into this scenario, but I do know that teachers like their students to be clean and clean up the mess that is made; as for the Tour Guide, I would think that you would find the cleanest places to bring your group to and would not want to bring them into a messy environment.
I also think that with the strengths and hobbies that you have, that it would be a wise idea to take an Interest assessment and a Personality Assessment to find out what would be the best career for you. A good Interest assessment is the SDS (Self Directed Search) very easy to do and if you are in college they usually have a Career Counselor to help with these assessments. This will give you more knowledge about yourself and what would be the best Career Choice. There are other assessments that you could ask about if you are really interested in finding your best career.
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Melisa’s Answer
Wow Oorrri, that is quite a specific list of strengths and hobbies you have. When I read these words, the first thing that came to mind was the Hospitality or Banquet and Entertainment industry. I travel often for work and vacation and I love visiting beaches. One thing I've come to appreciate is hotels that offer special events or amenities for their guests, like music or parties poolside. In order to do this well, hotels need employees who are punctual, dedicated, organized and like to be on the beach! While I am sure this is a career that can also be stressful, hotels I've stayed at who are really good at serving their customers have employees who seem to also enjoy what they are doing and are strong in these areas. Might be something to consider anyway. But the strengths you mention can also be valuable in many other careers. Best wishes to you in your future goals.
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