What's it's like working with the green markerters?
2 answers
Anthony’s Answer
It's like working for regular marketers except you're more conscientious of the environment. Using products that are more environmentally friendly.
Vincent’s Answer
With anyone young in a career or for folks still developing a skill, you will typically understand the needs better. We see this with green design teams, devs, etc...
Overall, they are going to try things that may fail as they are still building their experience with the field. It can be tough if you see them going down a path that you have historically seen as a failing way forward. On the other had, these folks are going to be trying out new and cutting edge technologies.
As long as they understand SEO and robot files, your marketing plan would be off to a decent start. If you are looking more about how the actual marketing material goes together, a lot of teams seem to be copying the same patterns. It is basically the idea that the formulas have been created, which we are seeing prevail in a lot of industries.
Hope that helps give an overall tone of what to expect.