what's it's like working with green markerters
2 answers
Grant’s Answer
Hi Rodriquez, can you give me a little more information on what you are looking to do as a job, so that I can give you a good answer, as there are many different industries and disciplines within environmental marketing, is that what you would like to work in, marketing and advertising green products such as environmentally friendly heating and recycled paper etc?
Judy’s Answer
Hi Rodriguez!
I'm in marketing for a high-tech company so what we do is not green marketing if I'm understanding your question. However, I'm "green" conscious and think it would be awesome to work for any company whose goal is to make our world clean and green. Your question made me curious so I looked into "Green Marketer" on the web. Very interesting. Thanks for your question and sorry I couldn't be of more help. I'd be interested to know what you find out. : )
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