What steps can be taken to become a successful CEO/entrepreneur in the future?
I will be a multi-billionaire CEO of my own multi-billion dollar company. Just wondering what can I do to make this happen one day. #business #entrepreneurship
3 answers

Kris Fannin
Kris’s Answer
Andre, I like that ambition!
First and foremost you have to figure out what you love. Regardless of what it is, focus on that.
Once you get fantastic at what you love, then redefine how it's done so you do it not just better - but completely differently than anyone else.
If you combined what you love, put your own, individual spin on it, then the money will come. Success begins with happiness. If you are doing something you are passionate about, you will be happy. Happy builds success.
Keep reaching!
Matt’s Answer
Hi Andre! Great question! 1) Watch some YouTube videos from Simon Sinek 2) read up and get familiar with basic accounting skills 3) read up and get familiar with basic business law and intellectual property 4) read Dale Carnegie's book on how to win friends and influence people - and take public speaking classes 5) start a small business of your own - doing anything - you'll learn much more by doing. start really small... don't make it too complicated.

Erika Chan
Erika’s Answer
Here's a great article from Entrepreneur to give you some food for thought - https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/245593. Like the other folks who have commented already, you should focus on what kind of business you want to create. The most successful entrepreneurs have started businesses in areas where they have passion or a skill they excel in - look at Michael Dell as an example.