3 answers
Epoch’s Answer
1. What knowledge, techniques, skills and abilities are/would be required if you want to work in the area (data industry)?
• To learn basic knowledge, such as, understanding the relationship between data science, artificial intelligence and machine learning from classes or online courses firstly.
• To search “Job Descriptions” from big/startup companies to get the techniques, skills and experiences required.
• To join symposia and conferences and read papers
• Try to find experts (through social media, e.g. LinkedIn, etc.) and get helps from them.
2. What’s your interesting/strength, connected with what you’ve learned in your field (International Business)?
• Following your heart and make it more meaningful for yourself.
3. Practice
• Hands on projects (e.g., to join open source community projects and competitions).
4. Continuous leaning and thinking on you own
Neeraj’s Answer
Its a very wise decision you've taken to pursue those mentioned domains because expertise in that is lacking and industry requirements are high. For a starting point, pick a well rated and reviewed online course on AI/ML on MOOC websites like Udemy or Coursera. Dig deep, do the projects involved and get accustomed with applying it in demo projects. Once you are at this level, you may contact the relevant business units of your dream companies and reach out for an interview where they'll validate what you've learnt and done.
Neeraj recommends the following next steps:
Xavier’s Answer
Jason, great choice of career. Today's world is global, and international business is a great path. With your interest in AI and technology, you may want to consider some classes or online course (e.g. Coursera) in computing and data processing as many employers will value the mix of technology and business. Another related area which is exploding right now is privacy and data protection - many countries around the world are passing laws and regulations aimed at protecting our personal data, and businesses need help in navigating these new rules.
Good luck in your studies, I'm cheering for you!