whats the most difficult part about having thus job
What problems do you see the most on this job #job
3 answers
Tom’s Answer
I'm a Marketing Manager working remotely from home. I'd say the most difficult part of my job is to stay connected with everyone and be able to build the connections and meaningful relationships with my colleagues around the globe and in the HQ office. Secondary to that would be continue the drive to work independently by myself everyday and take initiative to be self-dependent.
In a corporate world, networking is extremely important, not only for career progression, but also to reach the goals of your job. For example, I'm building our Marketing Analytics programs from the ground up. In doing so, it's very important to network with others from other teams to learn from their best practices and leverage what they've already done, so I don't spend time recreating the wheel.
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G. Mark’s Answer
A complaint I get from many new employees is that they performed well in school, they were obviously talented enough to get the job, they do their assignments completely, but they aren't making as much progress as they think they should. The problem is that they are performing their job exactly as they performed in their college days. In college, you are usually an individual contributor being judged on personal performance of assigned tasks.
In a job, you are likely to be part of a team. And to maximize the effectiveness of the team, you need to leverage the abilities and attention of other team members. You need to sell your ideas, interact with and communicate with others. Eventually you'll need to share your knowledge with new employees so that you can move to other assignments. You need to explain new ideas to other people. Whereas in college, you were learning what other smart people have already discovered and other students were reading or watching, in work your job is not to reiterate what is already known, but to share any insights or innovations or problem solutions with others that you personally have generated.
So while others may have shared the specific challenges of their job, the thing that tends to differentiate a job from training for a job is the practical needs of business. And business differentiates itself from competition by taking what is already known, building on it, and sharing this intellectual capital via communication.
Melisa’s Answer
Thanks for asking your question. And others have provided some great answers already.
I’m thankful to have a career that I love, helping people serve as volunteers in my role as a Community Engagement Leader. For me, the biggest challenge is balancing multiple requests and projects at the same time and prioritizing. It is often tough to do when you have several large projects going on at one time or that have due dates that are close to each other.
Like working on deadlines for school work, you really do have to be thoughtful about prioritizing and not getting distracted to accomplish your goals and assignments.
Here are a few tips I find helpful, no matter what your career interest is.
1. Be reliable. Show up to work, deliver on your commitments and even go above and beyond to deliver results in your work and become a valuable member of the team.
2. Be a strong collaborator. Contribute to your team and the company you represent. G.Mark Stewart said it well in his answer, “you need to help maximize the effectiveness of the team.”
3. Grow your network. Surround yourself with people who also want to succeed and help you succeed as well. As Tom shared in his answer, networking truly is extremely important.
Best wishes in your future goals! job
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