What does a typical day look like working and teaching younger children?
2 answers
Helga’s Answer
Hi Rosheana!
If you are referring to the pre-school range of students, I may not be of much help there...however, from a Kindergarten standpoint, in the beginning of the school year, you can expect to spend a great deal of time laying the foundations of being in a school setting. I know that it may sound silly, but many students at that age may not be familiar with the practices of, well...just being in school. Concepts such as schedules, routines, and learning how to be a good school citizen in addition to academics are HIGHLY important. Academically, be prepared to have a wide range of capabilities. You will have students beginning Kindergarten already identifying and recognizing lower and capital letters right along side students who may only be able to identify 5 letters. It will be up to you to determine how best to differentiate learning for them.
Although I am certified K-6, I do not teach a full Kindergarten class. But, I can tell you that I frequently visit the class just to "fill my bucket." They are little sponges and are so willing to learn and share...that environment reminds me of why I became an educator to begin with! :-) So, if you are willing to embark on what very well be the hardest, yet most rewarding job you've ever had, join us!