2 answers
Daniel’s Answer
Kim’s Answer
The answer to this is, "it depends."
Life generally goes a lot smoother if you have a support network living nearby. This is normally family, but it could be a group of close friends. But, if you have people you can count on, it really helps. At your age, you should already know everything that can go wrong on a personal level. It won't all happen, but very few people make it through life with no drama whatsoever! For example: my son was a pretty good kid. But when the neighbor kids decided to have a beer party on the school bus, he joined in. They were all sent to the alternative school for a couple weeks, which had no transportation. We had to drop him off and pick him up, twenty miles away! Or, they can get sick when they are still very young. Day care won't accept them, and you can't leave them home alone. Or, you get divorced. . .
Each time you deal with one of these crises, you will develop skills that will prepare you for the next one, and the one after that. You will find a way to juggle all of it. Just remember to take a bubble bath one day a week! (this is really important!)
Once you get all the kids grown and gone, you will soon become a grandma, in all likelihood, and, will probably still be working. Your kids will be looking to you for help - perhaps financial help. Financially, nurses do pretty good. And, there is always overtime available (if you work in a hospital). However, remember that time is more precious than money! Don't work more than you have to! Learn young to handle your money well and start investing early, even if only $20 a month - get in the habit of having money automatically sent to an investment account, and you won't even miss it ! Increase it on a regular basis. Get enough insurance so you don't need to worry about, "what if." The important one many people skip is short term and long term disability insurance, which will replace part of your income if you get in a car wreck or get sick. People can "make it" on very low incomes. And others can't make it with high salaries. It all depends on what you do with the money. Distinguish between wants and needs, be able to say no when you hear "but, Mom, EVERYBODY has one. . . ."
hope this helps!