3 answers
Is it easier to continue you education having been in the medical field verses not having that experience?
#college #medicine -school #healthcare
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3 answers
Bryant’s Answer
To get a great opportunity you will need great test scores, internships, volunteering, an officer in a student organization, and more. Not having any experience will make it harder as you will not be accepted and will have a degree that will not have much wait since most Hospitals and the Health Care Industry would want the required knowledge.
Richard’s Answer
After college, medical school and residency physicians still need to keep up to date on latest developments. Being a physician is a lifelong commitment. Fortunately, continuing medical education (CME) has become both easier to obtain and more relevant in recent years. In the past, physicians went to expensive out-of-town meetings to listen to hours of lecture on occasionally esoteric topics. Now, I use a website that allows me to search for relevant information. If I have a difficult or unusual case, I search for helpful information. After I read the topic, I apply for ½ hour of CME credit and continue my work.
dan’s Answer
If you want to be a Doctor, Medical Schools all look for some practical medical/clinical experience in addition to great test scores and grades.